EarthRoamer XV-JP "Northwest Edition"


Expedition Leader
Mike I think you need to update your avatar. Have a photo of the top up, with the new graphics, etc... perhaps? :)
That's a good idea. My avatar just looks like your average XV-JP now. ;) Of course, what I really need is the Sprinter towing the Jeep. Hard to do with the pixels available, though.


Walmart Adventure Camper
Been enjoying your build since the begining... Glad to see it entering it's final phase.
In the picture below I don't understand how; say like in the middle of the night and have to get up to take a leek, you'd get out of the Jeep or use the toilet without first returning the bed to it's stored position.

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Expedition Leader
In the picture [above] I don't understand how; say like in the middle of the night and have to get up to take a leek, you'd get out of the Jeep or use the toilet without first returning the bed to it's store position.
Getting out will be pretty straightforward. You have to duck under the bed, but you had to duck anyway . . . the bed is about the same height off the floor as the top of the rear door, and that door swings outward.

As for the other matter, you're right in thinking you're not going to Number 1 standing up. Beyond that, my calculations are that there'll be enough clearance to sit upright on the toilet with your head under the bed. I'll be able to verify that on Wednesday.


Custom Builder


(above) Earlier start, must be because it's Monday and I feel well rested after the weekend...


(above) Today's priority…


(above) Into the heart of the matter…


(above) Still intimidating but I'm coming to understand it…Reluctantly…


(above) need to get this stuff too…

So it was off to get “the stuff”…First, because it would be the hardest, was to find the 1 gauge wire for the electrical connections…2 GA is easy, every auto parts store has it…Went to a few of those before I figured out they don't have what I want...Next on my mental checklist of sources, was to see if the RV supply shop had it…'Three-Tooth-Ernie' said “No…Y'a'wll need to go to Statewide Battery…It's two right turns away..They'll set ya straight..."…Ernie was right…They had 1 GA wire, cable ends and a bus block…Whew, I thought for a while that online would be my only source…Thanks Ernie...

From Statewide, I went across town to my lumber yard…Hardel Lumber…Old school with an emphasis on the hard to find...They have, in stock, what I needed…5' x 5' sheets of 1/2" and 1/4" Baltic birch ply for the cabinets , solid Teak for the floor and Zebrawood for the bulk of the interior finish…Yes, I said Zebrawood…Look it up…Zebrawood...Dream on...

After procuring the necessities, it was back to the ranch for some hands on work…


(above) I mounted the bus blocks to a board and made the connections…


(above) Clean & solid, as you might expect…


(above) Zebrawood & Teak…A good combo…


(above) I drove over to the local door store where I get custom milling done…I had the 1” Teak re-sawed to 1/2”…Just right for my plan…

That is about all for today…Mostly a day to gather and hunt day…Not especially strong for pictures but a day that accomplished a lot…

More tomorrow…
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This is an awesome thread. Keep up the great work! BTW, how do you like the JAOS rack? I was lucky to find a brand new one on Craigslist at a great price.


Custom Builder


"Waiting patiently to be released from it's narrow cage, the wild Zebrawood bides it's time, curled up and coiled, poised to strike with stunning elegance...Stay tuned for the dramatic meeting of Zebrawood and Jeep...It's going to be wicked...!!!..."


Expedition Leader
This is an awesome thread. Keep up the great work! BTW, how do you like the JAOS rack? I was lucky to find a brand new one on Craigslist at a great price.
I think it's one of the best components on the rig. Light, adaptable, a nice size . . . it's all good and I was lucky to be able to pick it up from a fellow inmate a few years back. I wish there were more of them to be had.


Combat Truck Monkey
Beautiful vehicle and beautiful work (guess what just made it to the top of my "probably never going to get it" Christmas list!). Paul, you obviously do very impressive work! Keep it up!


Custom Builder



(above) Yes, it is that time again…


(above) Mike is coming tomorrow and I want to have all the cabinets mocked-up’d so he can the fully feel of the space, defined…The last element to be flushed out is the driver side cases…


(above) A few cuts on the tablesaw and a few minutes with the stapler and the full size representation is complete…For now…


(above) With the new cabinet configuration, there is a bunch of wiring that needs to be relocated…My way of wiring is to ALWAYS solder the connections…I’ve seen way too many crimp connections loosen & FAIL…Even on this rig, without much movement, at least two crimp connector joints have failed…


(above) An easy way to hold the wires in place is to set the work up as I have above…


(above) I sleep good knowing my wiring will not fail…


(above) This is typical of what I was working with…Count the crimp connections…???…


(above) I had a very full day of relocating the wires that needed to be somewhere else…At the end of the day, the cabinet that had all the electrical components looked like this…Ready for a new cabinet…


(above) Cabinet mock-up in place…


(above) These are the newly hard-wired components that will soon have new homes…


(above) Day’s end with 94.6% of the wiring is done…

More later…

Every Miles A Memory

Expedition Leader
Paul, you need to be careful....something tells me you'll be getting knock on the door from folks like EarthRoamer, GEV and other custom builders. If they dont come knocking, you know full well they're all bookmarking this thread and studying your skills!! :costumed-smiley-007


Custom Builder
All I ask is that when they copy the bed, they call it "the Jensen Bed"...Murphy got credit for his...I'm worthy...

Murphy has a law too... I want one...Jensen's Law is "Do it right the first time"...

Is that asking too much...???...


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
The Jensen Bed, I love it and will start calling it just that.
And I like Jensen's Law even more!

I can't wait to see the Zebra wood as 13yr old want our build in the 1970 Suburban to be wood and we haven't figured out what type yet.

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