(above) Earlier start, must be because it's Monday and I feel well rested after the weekend...
(above) Today's priority…
(above) Into the heart of the matter…
(above) Still intimidating but I'm coming to understand it…Reluctantly…
(above) need to get this stuff too…
So it was off to get “the stuff”…First, because it would be the hardest, was to find the 1 gauge wire for the electrical connections…2 GA is easy, every auto parts store has it…Went to a few of those before I figured out they don't have what I want...Next on my mental checklist of sources, was to see if the RV supply shop had it…'Three-Tooth-Ernie' said “No…Y'a'wll need to go to Statewide Battery…It's two right turns away..They'll set ya straight..."…Ernie was right…They had 1 GA wire, cable ends and a bus block…Whew, I thought for a while that online would be my only source…Thanks Ernie...
From Statewide, I went across town to my lumber yard…Hardel Lumber…Old school with an emphasis on the hard to find...They have, in stock, what I needed…5' x 5' sheets of 1/2" and 1/4" Baltic birch ply for the cabinets , solid Teak for the floor and Zebrawood for the bulk of the interior finish…Yes, I said Zebrawood…Look it up…Zebrawood...Dream on...
After procuring the necessities, it was back to the ranch for some hands on work…
(above) I mounted the bus blocks to a board and made the connections…
(above) Clean & solid, as you might expect…
(above) Zebrawood & Teak…A good combo…
(above) I drove over to the local door store where I get custom milling done…I had the 1” Teak re-sawed to 1/2”…Just right for my plan…
That is about all for today…Mostly a day to gather and hunt day…Not especially strong for pictures but a day that accomplished a lot…
More tomorrow…