As one of my favorite Texan musicians, Robert Earl Keen, once sang:
“It's the little things!
the itty bitty things!
It's the little things
That piss me off!” ?
I got a phone call the other day… it was 2003, calling collect, and it told me in no uncertain terms that it wanted it’s chrome “Eurotail” lights back. When the past calls you up, you meet it’s demands, so…
Unfortunately, being a teenager when the first “Fast and the Furious” movie came out (just after Y2K, our family fax machine was never the same again and reverted back to 1989, ha!).
I remember how cool all of us kids thought these taillights used to be, but the reality of living with their nonsense 20 years down the road hasn’t brought joys that outweigh the pain…
There’s nothing like a randomly fast, then slow, then fast blinking turn signal to break the straw on the camel’s back after a long day of doing electrical work for clients and not wanting to do more of that in the darkness on your own vehicle…
So, as you can imagine, I was more then happy to tell the old Euro tails “see ya next Tuesday!” and replace them with a new set of OEM-style taillights from DEPO. Nice quality and a good price (about $50 a set, shipped, through Rock Auto), so no complaints.
I replaced the incandescent back-up lighter-uppers with some Philips Ultion LED barn-burners and slapped ‘em on…
Slightly more light then the dark days of 2001’s finest aftermarket units could put out.
It’s the little things…