Cleaned up the frame rust and got a good coat of primer and top coat paint on the frame and rear axle.
In the process of reassembly. Taking it slow and cleaning it up as i go.
Rear is first.
Heres the cleanup:
slipped a set of daystar bumps i had laying around, much better shape than the clapped out OEMS that were on it. These were made for the 1st ten runners running leafs, but fit perfect.
one particular nasty rusted out area, cleaned it up best i could, but still was covered. Rust Converter did its job
clean n free of da nasty
welded in a set of TrailWorxFab HD Upper rear control arm brackets, made for the FJ but fit just fine. i trimmed them up a bit since I'm welding them in.
Bomber, should hold up to some abuse.
Diff. breather raised up out of harms way, mostly
Crown Performance brakelines all around. SS and extended where needed
Diagrams of brake line routing and Parking brake assembly, if needed for reference
should have the rear back together tomorrow, if kids, puppies, or other responsibilities don't get in the way!!