Electric Winch Vs. 10K lbs. Come along


Expedition Leader
I am on the fence about a winch for the Tacoma. I have been stuck twice the past 6 months but was able to shovel and prep my way to mobility. A winch would be pretty convenient, but the idea of having that much weight on the front end, not to mention the expense and trouble of removal / re-installation of the ARB has me hesitating.

In another thread, someone was considering a come along instead of a cheapie winch. Looking them up online I see that there are some 'super duty' units that look (online) well built. I imagine a snatch block, maybe block and tackle, and some proper straps ala Hi Lift Jack winching would yield positive results.

Having had winches in the past I understand the dynamics. I am just looking for a very cost effective alternative.

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i just recived my more power puller on tuesday. it's the real deal as far come alongs go. definetely NOT a farm store special. very high quality product. i was in the same boat as you with the cheap winch or come along debate and went with theh come along. more versatile for my needs. i got the 2 ton 35' model with a 25' extension. which means i will only be 61' away from an anchor point.:D if you decide on one of these, i dont think you will be disappointed.

2 or 3 Tons....isn't that just 4-6k lbs? Despite the obvious quality of the product, those weight ratings seem very inadequate for the intended purpose.


Tirfor (spelling may be off) have a very good reputation, the older models with the external shear pins were more convenient than these newer internal shear models.

They will do everything a vehicle mounted winch will do, but from every angle, not just the front.

And if your silly enough to get yourself stuck in the 1st place, a bit of time on the lever is a good punishment to discourage being so silly next time!


Expedition Leader
I can say I'd love to have a Tirfor, but the price has held me back since I already have winches. People have been using them for self recovery for a long time.
From personal experience I can recommend the Power Puller. I used them a lot when I was a rigger. They are, indeed, not your typical hardware store come-a-long.
For the type of use Don described, occaisional light stuck, I'd have no qualms about using either one.

BTW, if you want a free Power Puller, there's one at the bottom of the Connecticut River on the NH side, at the Vernon, VT dam where my boss threw it when the cable got tangled. ;)
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Expedition Leader
"it may prove to be the recovery item that you rank up there with your highlift jack."

Heh, that could be taken two different ways...


Expedition Leader
I can say I'd love to have a Tirfor, but the price has held me back since I already have winches. People have been using them for self recovery for a long time.
From personal experience I can recommend the Power Puller. I used them a lot when I was a rigger. They are, indeed, not your typical hardware store come-a-long.
For the type of use Don described, occaisional light stuck, I'd have no qualms about using either one.

BTW, if you want a free Power Puller, there's one at the bottom of the Connecticut River on the NH side, at the Vernon, VT dam where my boss threw it when the cable got tangled. ;)



One nice thing about an electric winch is that you can be in the vehicle "assisting" the winch (assuming the vehicle is running)........don't see that happening with a manual type winch unless you very talented.......


Expedition Leader
One nice thing about an electric winch is that you can be in the vehicle "assisting" the winch (assuming the vehicle is running)........don't see that happening with a manual type winch unless you very talented.......

That kind of talent earned me the title "Schattenjager"


New member
After much research (for my needs) i eneded up buying a chicago electric 10K lbs winch from harbor freight... $399 + tax..... It is very heavy and that was a concern you had and twice the price of a come along. But it is a winch and can be operated from inside. I will install it this weekend and see what happens. I was in your same boat trying to decide what to do concerning recovey and the reason i went with the CE 10K is the price and the luxury of winching from inside. I have read TONS of reviews on the CE and talked to people who have them and that is what "justified" me buying one.... Just for the occasional pull. They do have lesser rated winches, 8K i believe, may be a little lighter. just my .02

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