Engle test


Expedition Leader
Why did you insulate the cabinets? Could you free up that space? I know I had a smaller fan around here somewhere that I was going to wire up after the AC to DC power supply so it ran anytime the fridge was plugged in. If your down the hill you can have this one that I can find. It draws .55 amp 12V. It's 3 5/8" square and 1" thick. I don't know if you have room in the compressor housing for it but if you think you need it.... Reminds me that you can peel the center sticker off of a lot of small fans and add a drop of oil to the fan bushing. It frees up the old oil and grease and it will spin faster. Won't hurt to open it up and blow the dust of of it and the coils anyway.


Scott H Murray

Adventure Photog
I have had mine in 40deg Celsius and fridge was freezing fresh fish fillets to -15C the only thing that didn't keep up was the battery. That got low after 4 days.


try testing it outside the cabinet under the same outside temperature conditions. My money is on it working just fine outside the cabinet.

Exactly what I was going to suggest. If it works out in the open, your insulated and ventilated compartment is trapping more heat than your fan can remove.


Why did you insulate the cabinets? Could you free up that space? I know I had a smaller fan around here somewhere that I was going to wire up after the AC to DC power supply so it ran anytime the fridge was plugged in. If your down the hill you can have this one that I can find. It draws .55 amp 12V. It's 3 5/8" square and 1" thick. I don't know if you have room in the compressor housing for it but if you think you need it.... Reminds me that you can peel the center sticker off of a lot of small fans and add a drop of oil to the fan bushing. It frees up the old oil and grease and it will spin faster. Won't hurt to open it up and blow the dust of of it and the coils anyway.

View attachment 351723
Thanks, but I just ordered a ball bearing fan and thermostat to put at the rear above the fridge to help remove the warm air in the space behind ....less than $20.00 total. The coils are totally clean and clear. I also recently got two 100 watt solar panels to keep the batteries fully charged, the fridge draws almost 2.5 amps when running. So now I can use all the lights (led's), furnace and fridge I want.


Expedition Leader
You will like the solar! You have enough to run all that and more. I use a roof fan that has a thermistor in it. Just twist a dial and it will cool your camper to the temp you select. Dime a dozen at RV junkyards or search for RVs being parted out. It's a simple device that you could add to any fan. Do we have a good RV junkyard in AZ? It's awesome to get in the rig and it's never hotter than outside temperature. Mine kicks on around noon and off at 5. Here is mine.


The Credible Hulk
I haven't tried to run it at 113F (I am in Minnesota, after all) but my Engel 40 qt. starts to freeze stuff if I turn it above '2' on the controller...and it goes to 5 or so. I would think it would still work in those temps.


It's 107F inside the trailer today, I got the problem solved! Made a couple of plenums inside the cabinets and added a nice big ball bearing computer fan to draw cool(er) air from the floor and exhaust it out the voids at the top of the cabinets.. The fridge is below 30 without any signs of overheating after a few hours in this sweltering heat. The fan is temporarily running constantly till my thermostat arrives from china. Both the fan and fridge are running on batteries and the two 100w solar panels have kept the batteries at over 13.5 volts.



here's a photo of the thermostat I got from amazon for less than $4.00! it is only calibrated in degrees C but the conversion is no big deal. It can turn on with increasing or decreasing temperatures. With the addition of a fan and plenums it keeps the fridge happy at well over 100*F ambient temperatures.


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