Kayaks R Me
Thought I would chime in
I got severely addicted to kayaking a few years back. The first kayak I tried was a simple Old Town Otter, and I paddled it on a friend's pond. I had always loved canoeing but was instantly hooked on kayaking.
Within the month I had bought my first kayak and gear. I am a big guy ( 6'5") so it is kind of hard to find boats that fit me. My first boat was an Old Town Adventure XL 139 ( a 13' boat ) which I got from an LL Bean outlet as a "blemished" boat. I was very lucky in that the salesperson I dealt with was an advid boater and he did not steer me wrong. The price was great, and I got set up with some good gear for a starter.
I have kayaked some pretty small streams with her, so shallow I was dragging my keel in places, the Conowingo Dam resevoir ( south of you on the Susquehana, the last dam before the Chesapeake ) all the way up to going way out into the Atlantic Ocean and playing with dolphins of the coast of Duck, NC. It has been a great boat and is very stable. I have used it to play in surf, though you have to be careful to keep from getting swamped, it is fun. It is what I use now as my loaner boat in the family, so they can have a good ( read: dry ) kayak experience.
My next kayak was a P&H Capella 16', she is lean and fast compared to the Old Town. Not nearly as stable, as I have gotten good at upside down exits in rough surf. It fits me like a glove, very cozy. But she is a joy to paddle as I go blasting past the rest of my family in their Old Towns.
My next kayak will probably be either a heavy duty inflatable or a collapsable that I can throw in my roof basket and take on my excursions to the west. Every time I am out west and see a lake, I miss my kayak.
A simply great resource that I can not recommend enough is:
There are tons of boat reviews, as well as trip guides and ideas for places to paddle. Probably places near you that you didnt even know about.
Just a couple of pics to whet your appetite....
My Tahoe loaded up with both boats. Lovely sight!
Out on Currituck Sound in my Adventure XL in 2006
Same place, but with my P&H in 2007.