Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone National Park
Mile 1200
I have a love/hate relationship with Yellowstone. As a kid, it was the first National Park I visited. The remoteness of our family adventure destination and all the magical things that mother nature put on display set it's hooks in me deep. Old Faithful, Yellowstone Lake, Little Grand Canyon, Mammoth Hot Springs. All gems on their own, and to have them within such close proximity. Yellowstone was the foundation of my remote wanderlust life. It's been quite a few years since I have been through the park. It's in great shape, and some money has been spent to keep it the old dame she is. But I knew I was in for a different experience when the south entrance was backed up 20 minutes. I slowly conformed into my place in the car lines, crossed the Continental Divide as it started to snow, and made it to Old Faithful. A beautiful new visitor center (new to me) sits between the old lodges now. The parking lot more resembled Magic Mountain than Yellowstone. I guess it needs to, to handle the thousands and thousands of visitors a day. I shared the timely geyser with over a thousand close friends. Amazing. I made my way north, heading for Mammoth and the north entrance. It's the one entrance I have not used. There wasn't a parking spot at Mammoth Hot Springs within a half mile of the springs. The closest option was on the other side of the Hotel. I left.
I love the granduer of Yellowstone, the wonders it possesses, and the place it holds in our collective American heart. And I am glad that interest in our parks is at an all time high. But I don't think I will be returning any time soon. Just too many folks jostling for position for me, and too many other less crowded places to see. I went through the big north gate, and said goodbye to an old friend. I made by way north and west toward Seally Lake. This is my first re-direction in the trip. A little bird informed me that Logan's Pass in Glacier NP still had snow on it. The road through the park is still closed. So I am heading around to the west entrance to the park, and will continue my path from there. Salmon Lake State Park had one more guest for the evening.

Did I mention snow?