Lost Canadian
Expedition Leader
I don't believe I attacked you. I asked you how you knew Chase uses a D90 day to day, one can only assume by your statements that you have close relations with him to know such an intimate detail as to what he routinly shoots with. My apologies for querying as to the nature of that relationship. There was nothing for you to clear up with regards to the APS-C sensor. Again you said that a 4/3rds size sensor does not come close to that of a traditional DSLR. Traditional DSLR's from Olympus use 4/3rds sensors, Nikon has a mix of APS-C and full frame,as does Canon. So with regards to these new small camera's that sport pretty much the exact sensors as are found in the big boys, how do they inherently become less adequate as far as a light-sensitive semiconductor simply because they are placed in a smaller body?don't get your panties in a bunch youngster, I have been in photography for 8 years, maybe that makes me jaded in my view of the m43 system. making personal attacks on who I talk to is not a way to go. As for my discussion of the APS-C sensor I think I cleared that up and addressed it by post # 21 and have not mentioned it since. Further more here is what DpReview had to say.
I'm simply puzzled by your statements and claims. It's not personal, it's simply a matter of finding out why a person would make such claims to things without factual discourse. And no I still have not been convinced of anything that has been presented here. Take that as an act of belittlement if you so feel it to be, but it is not the intent. It is simply the impression left on me with regards to this debate, unconvinced of the arguments presented.