EVIL Cameras. Will you go to the dark side?

Lost Canadian

Expedition Leader
don't get your panties in a bunch youngster, I have been in photography for 8 years, maybe that makes me jaded in my view of the m43 system. making personal attacks on who I talk to is not a way to go. As for my discussion of the APS-C sensor I think I cleared that up and addressed it by post # 21 and have not mentioned it since. Further more here is what DpReview had to say.
I don't believe I attacked you. I asked you how you knew Chase uses a D90 day to day, one can only assume by your statements that you have close relations with him to know such an intimate detail as to what he routinly shoots with. My apologies for querying as to the nature of that relationship. There was nothing for you to clear up with regards to the APS-C sensor. Again you said that a 4/3rds size sensor does not come close to that of a traditional DSLR. Traditional DSLR's from Olympus use 4/3rds sensors, Nikon has a mix of APS-C and full frame,as does Canon. So with regards to these new small camera's that sport pretty much the exact sensors as are found in the big boys, how do they inherently become less adequate as far as a light-sensitive semiconductor simply because they are placed in a smaller body?

I'm simply puzzled by your statements and claims. It's not personal, it's simply a matter of finding out why a person would make such claims to things without factual discourse. And no I still have not been convinced of anything that has been presented here. Take that as an act of belittlement if you so feel it to be, but it is not the intent. It is simply the impression left on me with regards to this debate, unconvinced of the arguments presented.

Lost Canadian

Expedition Leader
This thread is not very productive.
I agree with that.

I don't go belittling people who shoot smaller than 4x10.
...and why would you?

I don't know why you are taking it so personally that he does not like that camera...no matter how ridiculous his arguments may be.
Assumed this is aimed at me, it's not personal. However if someone began making overzealous claims that 4x10 was irrelevant to anyone who is serious about photography I'm willing to bet you would challenge the accuracy of those statements. Look at it in reverse. Would you agree with statments and implications that smaller cameras are pretty much irrelevant for serious image making? Surely not, I know this. It's the same thing though.

And to anwser Tim's original question, I think they are pretty damn cool.
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Michael Slade

...if someone began making overzealous claims that 4x10 was irrelevant to anyone who is serious about photography I'm willing to bet you would challenge the accuracy of those statements.

People make those claims about my process all the time. I hear it often from within the halls of my own institution. I nod my head, find common ground and move on. I know I cannot change minds, nor do I have time to do so.

Let it go......


don't get your panties in a bunch youngster, I have been in photography for 8 years,

Great way to make an early impression on this site with 39 posts under your belt.

Less sarcasm and more civility tends to go a long way here. Regardless of whether or not people share your opinions.

Little lesson my Dad taught me a long time ago. No matter how talented, smart or strong you are, there will always be room for learning from others.




Photographer in the Wild
Great way to make an early impression on this site with 39 posts under your belt.

Less sarcasm and more civility tends to go a long way here. Regardless of whether or not people share your opinions.

Little lesson my Dad taught me a long time ago. No matter how talented, smart or strong you are, there will always be room for learning from others.


And what does the number of posts on a forum have to do with my knowledge over any given subject?
I was not the one to open the sarcasm window.
How do you know Chase uses a D90 day to day, or at all, you two best friends?
A to the answer, I met him once in Tahoe and we have emailed back and fourth a few times each month.

as to your dad's words of wisdom - I agree 100%. I say it daily, a day without learning is a day wasted.

This thread is not very productive.

This is what I did today instead of read this thread.

What a process that is. Great way to spend a day as well. Some members of a forum I am a mod on built these. I have yet to try but maybe one day. Since I bought my first DSLR I have not touched film lol.

Lost Canadian

Expedition Leader
My apologies

Hey guys just want to send out a sorry to all my ExPo peeps. My frustrations at work, sitting in front of a mountain of unfinished performance reviews, made it's way into my posting here yesterday, and for that I have no excuse. Our little community here does not need the kind of discourse I displayed in this thread. Please take my momentary lapse in judgement as a lesson when not to post, and let's back to talking about something productive.
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Hey guys just want to send out a sorry to all my ExPo peeps. My frustrations at work, sitting in front of a mountain of unfinished performance reviews, made it's way into my posting here yesterday, and for that I have no excuse. Our little community here does not need the kind of discourse I displayed in this thread. Please take my momentary lapse in judgement as l lesson when not to post, and let's back to talking something productive.

Could you just still be upset over the USA-Canada hockey game? :D

Lost Canadian

Expedition Leader
Could you just still be upset over the USA-Canada hockey game? :D

Eh, we were just looking for more of a challenge. LOL. And after the hurt they laid on Russia I'm feeling OK. I will say, you Yanks better make it to the gold medal game. I want to see if Ryan Miller can stand up to another net pounding.


Photographer in the Wild
I as well want to apologize for dragging this out and turning what should have been a friendly discussion into a net brawl.
As for hockey, I have never been able to get into it. All my buddies on the east coast love it, my fam in AK loves it..... I would rather watch Shaun White rip it up on the pipe.


Eh, we were just looking for more of a challenge. LOL. And after the hurt they laid on Russia I'm feeling OK. I will say, you Yanks better make it to the gold medal game. I want to see if Ryan Miller can stand up to another net pounding.

Trevor: USA did beat Finland today and is advancing to the Gold medal game on Sunday. Now, you Canucks need to beat Slovakia to make it to the Gold medal game. Canada has a great chance to accomplish that. Sundays game will be exactly to the day that the USA beat the Czechoslovakians for the gold medal at the 1960 Winter Olympics held at Squaw Valley, California and the first gold medal for the USA to win in hockey.


Wow, that was a rough thread for the Expo. :Wow1: It was great to see it smooth out at the end. :)

I have watched the Lumix cameras develop over time. They are very cool little cameras.

I noticed that there were three, completely different cameras being discussed in this thread.

The (1) 4/3's DSLR, (2) the 4/3's compact and (3) the Sony mini Alpha APS-C.

(1) The 4/3's allows smaller lenses to obtain the same perspectives as a camera with a larger sensor. That can save weight and space. If they use a good processor, excellent quality glass, and don't try to put to many photosites on the sensor, these cameras should be capable of producing excellent quality photographs. They can be made to operate like a small DSLR. In the days of film, Pentax was know for their very compact SLR cameras. Many folks liked that, when traveling.

(2) 4/3's compact - Again, great glass, great processor, great photosites - great images. Any weak links in this system will reduce image quality. I'm sure they will improve over time. In the end, you just have to deal with the camera being operated similar to a high-end P&S (like a Canon G series).

(3) The APS-C mini Sony Alpha - Will also be using the larger lenses, marketed to their larger DSLR brothers. Technically this will save space and weight (because the body is smaller), but not enough to notice, when using any of the big lenses. If you are using their lens system (Minolta), it wouldn't hurt to add the mini to the camera bag, as an emergency back up (but this adds weight to the existing bag). If you use the pancake lens (20mm) to keep the package small, you will be stuck with wide angle images (this could be fun too - just limiting).

I shoot a Canon 1D MkII and a Canon G11. I push the G11 pretty hard, and I expect a lot from it. I have it with me all the time, and I am able to make very nice images with it. It is the GoTo camera for all my non-serious image making, and some of the serious stuff. There is definitely a place for these mid-size cameras, for many people.

Congrats to Canada on their Gold Medal Hockey team. :)
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I check in on this photographer every once in a while- noticing that he is now including images from his gf-1, and able to wring some amazing tones, almost on par with some of the shots from the 1ds mk IV
All single exposure.




X 2 on the hockey win.

Lost Canadian

Expedition Leader
Hmmm. This is Sony's new Nex-3. I'm still waiting to see what the Nex-5 will look like but this looks promising.




14.2 megapixel APS-C type (23.4 x 15.6 mm) sensor
New E-Mount for interchangeable lenses
Supports RAW Format
Records HD video in 1080 (NEX-5) or 720 (NEX-3)
Memory slot can use Memory Stick Duo or SD card.
HDMI mini connector (Type-C)
Built-in stereo microphone
Speed-priority max 7 fps (continuous mode 2.3 fps)

Dpreview just posted this on the Nex-5

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