EVIL Cameras. Will you go to the dark side?


That's actually a reason to join a good photography dedicated forum rather than a sub category on another forum. You will deal with far more people doing it as a profession rather than those doing it as a hobby. You will also find direct contacts to manufactures and other suppliers.

To put it into context- I do not go to a photography forum to discuss camping gear, tires, or lockers. I may share photos of my vehicle or other vehicles but would not get into a technical discussion about them. :)

I understand what you're saying, maybe you can recommend a few forums to visit. But the reason I visit this forum (and this sub-forum in particular), instead of a dedicated photography forum is because I'm not a professional, and have no interest in becoming one. I just like taking pictures. In this forum I get to see amazing photos of subjects that interest me, without having to wade through all the bickering about the smallest techinical details that probalby wouldn't apply to me anyway.

That's the reason I tend to look into non-specialized forums. Sometimes it's nicer just to get an outside perspective from people who aren't so verbally passionate about their choices. For example, any vehicle related discussion on a off road oriented forum will quickly be overwhelmed by land rover vs land cruiser arguments, or jeep vs toyota. Same with camera forums with Nikon vs. Canon vs. Oly vs. Leica (and then you get the Pentax owners crying about how everybody always forgets them :D). But if you were to ask the same questions in a non-specialized forum, you (sometimes) get much less arguments because people don't have such strong opinions. It just depends on what I'm looking for.
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