Expedition build platform


Expedition Leader
^^^^ Agreed... I flat out just want a Diesel Toyota for the Kkkkkkkklatttttter... I got so much Joy out of driving them in AUstralia I almost can't stand to be with-out one... For those of us who Keep vehicles for VERY long times a Diesel swap make's plenty of sence. If I ever find a good deal on a 1KZ-Te it's going in my 4 Runner (Or maybe a 300TDi or TD5 Disco I ???) and here when I can import a Diesel 70-series I will rob a bank of nessesary to do so ;) (I'm pretty sure my dad will help me he's SO desperate for a nice Toyota Diesel 4x4 to replace his dying XJ-Cherokee) Diesel Cruisers are just a whole nother breed of durable and able to travel for VERY long distances before you ever have to fill up. Plus I'd really like to make my own Bio-haul for it. I've already got several diesel engines in the family so for me it makes sence...


Just here...
I searched out a diesel 60 for the sole purpose of the motor. The extension in range is the big selling point for me. Ive gone a week and a half on the same tank of fuel so Im thinking Im getting mid 20s. Ill find out when I fill her up today with fuel and do the math. I got 19 mpg cruising 1100 miles at 70 to 75 mph.

You live in America so your desire for a diesel 80 leaves you with only one choice really. You will have to convert one yourself and with that you are going to have to invest at least $10k in the motor and transmission and all related needed parts. Either that or do like I did, bide your time and find a nice, pre '86 factory diesel that is importable or already in the country.

Big Blue

...What is your typical highway/freeway speed (miles per hour)?

55 - 70 mph = 2000 - 2400rpm... i shift between 1200 - 1600rpm - my one is a 5 speed manual - with 2 tanks/350 liter/92 gallons a perfect range
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Were did this $4000 diesel swap come from? I would bet it would be at least 2x that to do one. I live in an area were there are quite a few diesel 81 series LC and even wrecked there pulling top dollar. I can get a running diesel HDJ81 for 8-10K but then there is all the other costs involved with the swap.

I have seen just the engine tranny's going for 8-9k locally for some unknown reason. Would be better off getting the whole truck and knowing 100% I had most the parts for the swap.

When I find a 1HD-T engine tranny set for a reasonable price I will be swapping it into mine.

All the cars in my family are Diesel now so the benefit of a Bio station is way up there.


I'm new to off-roading, but I know what I would like to do. I am looking to build an expedition type vehicle with the capability to run trails like Rubicon and other legendary trails. Important factors to me are 1. the ability to comfortably seat my family of four. 2. Good aftermarket support. 3. Decent gas mileage. I have heard many good things about the Fzj80, but with a straight six gas mileage stinks. If there is a vehicle out there with all the positives of the 80, but with mileage in the low 20's that would be awesome.
One of my buddies has an FJ60 with a Chevy V8 conversion, he claims 18 - 19 MPG. To me the FJ60 has a bigger feel inside than either the 80 or 100 series. It also has very few electronic systems to fail, it's a basic truck built for rugged use. Along with that goes fewer amenities.

It will be much easier to build a Rubicon ready type rig from the FJ60 because it has MUCH more after market support, basically everything that fits on an FJ40 works on an FJ60, dual t-case, lockers etc. However, by the time you do all the mods needed to take your truck over the Rubicon in comfort and safety it will lose several MPG. Technical trails like the Rubicon are not the norm, building a truck for that extreme end of the spectrum is probably not practical or necessary for most of us.

IMHO Build a truck that is comfortable for you and the family, modify it as needed to go where you want to go.

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