Expedition Camper for sale

daniel ruops

Hello Mr. LandCruiser Phil
I appreciate and will act upon your good advice about posting more pictures. One of my challenges is that I am ignorant and low functioning in many areas including the posting of pictures on the Expedition Portal. I will get some assistance and act soon. Thank you.

daniel ruops

additional photographs

one more picture.


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daniel ruops

oddly, there seems to be a correlation between price reductions and increased interest in a purchase.....
price now reduced to $ 150,000


New member
What an awesome rig. I'm very much just looking right now, but until I saw your setup I hadn't considered this as a platform or option. No rush, but I have a couple questions; How would this do as a winter expedition rig? Picture traveling/base camping during winter months for skiing…etc. Insulation? Parked full time in cold winter months but maintaining a livable (heated) shelter. Insulated water/plumbing/tanks..etc? Also a question about the pass through. Does the bed flip up offering a "stand up" or at least crouched pass through to cab or do you crawl over the bed?

Thanks - again - no rush. Sorry to hear of your motivation to sell.

daniel ruops

Thank you for your inquiry and expressed sympathies for my wife's status. As a "generalist" I will answer your questions, however for more techanical information Darrin Fink of RUF could be available. All of the essentials (95 galions of water, plumbing) are contained within the cabin therefore are functional in below freezing temperatures if the cabin is heated. The espar heater is adequate and sufficient. Darrin would know what the rating of the insulation is however I can report that it is sufficient. The pass through requires crawling over the bed. The bed is hinged at the head (at the pass through) and can be raised for access to the storage areas below.

The AATREC will have some limitations in extreem and greatly demanding travel compared to (for example) to the Earthcruiser due to the greater size and weight however does offer comfort, more useable space and utility. Thanks dan


New member
Thank you for your inquiry and expressed sympathies for my wife's status. As a "generalist" I will answer your questions, however for more techanical information Darrin Fink of RUF could be available. All of the essentials (95 galions of water, plumbing) are contained within the cabin therefore are functional in below freezing temperatures if the cabin is heated. The espar heater is adequate and sufficient. Darrin would know what the rating of the insulation is however I can report that it is sufficient. The pass through requires crawling over the bed. The bed is hinged at the head (at the pass through) and can be raised for access to the storage areas below.

The AATREC will have some limitations in extreem and greatly demanding travel compared to (for example) to the Earthcruiser due to the greater size and weight however does offer comfort, more useable space and utility. Thanks dan

Thank you for that information - it sure looks like it's setup well. I'll continue to dig..and dream. One of these days I may be ready to pull the trigger on such a rig. GLWS!


Would you please provide the exterior dimensions of your Camper and an approximate estimate of the fuel economy? Also, I'd appreciate any feedback that you have about the ability to sustain 75 - 80 mph travel. Thanks, Mike

daniel ruops

Thank you for your questions Mike.

The total length including the rear spare tire is 25 feet. The home is 17 feet by 8 feet. Fuel economy ranges from 7-10 depending upon elevation, speed, temperature, terrain and other factors. Total weight is 18,500 pounds. Under some circumstances (downhill or flat but not uphill) you could achieve 75 mph on the highway, however I would discourage you from doing so. With humor I would also caution you against achieving these speeds in 4x4 on forestry and BLM lands. The Fuso FM 260 is a commercial/industrial frame and engine which may favor strength, longevity and durability over achieving higher speeds. High speeds may be more readily achieved with a non commercial chassis such as the 2500's by Ford, GM and Dodge. A "crotch rocket" motorycle would be a better investiment for high sustained speed to one's destination however compromises would be experienced upon arriving. Others may have a different opinion....

daniel ruops

This camper remains for sale at $150,000.
Starlight Solar of Yuma Az has installed 400 amp hours of Lithium Ion Batteries in the cabin and updated the electronic controls.
A transmission cooler has been installed to provide greater "security" when operating at extreem summer temperatures.
I expect that we will be in the Oregon in April should anyone in that stunningly beautiful part of the world wish to view and visit.

Curmudgeons, "old farts" and finicky, fossilized, codgers and wankers may need to pay more than the asking price due to being older and having had more time than younger persons to save and plan for retirement...


New member
Curmudgeons, "old farts" and finicky, fossilized, codgers and wankers may need to pay more than the asking price due to being older and having had more time than younger persons to save and plan for retirement...

Ahhh, so if I'm Pre-curmudgeon (not too much longer though) and don't fall not those categories, do the prices scales tip back the other direction??:) Still a great looking rig..:clapping:

daniel ruops

Mr. mtncrawler:
You are definately qualified to a discount due to being Pre-curmudgeon. Being younger may entitle you to more time and travel..
Stay safe, have fun and do not put up with any crap....


My wife (best friend and traveling partner) is fighting an incurable cancer which limits her travel and her ability to enter and exit the cab safely even with assistance. Out of love and respect for my wife and these new "realities" we have chosen to sell. This decision has not been casually made and has been difficult however is necessary and reasonable under the circumstances.

It has been sometime since you first posted - I'm hoping your best friend is still with you.

I cannot express my sympathies enough for your situation. It actually brought a tear - I lost my mother to an incurable cancer when she was in her early 60's (similar to super ford). Just as she was beginning to really start to enjoy life again - We all go through rough patches in life and she was coming out of hers. Retirement was within reach and she had a new found zest for life. Despite her efforts otherwise, her doctor trivialized the long standing 'stitch in her side' and that 'terrible heartburn' for too long. The timing of it all was interesting - she was diagnosed with an ultra rare cancer around Christmas and gone within 4 months (right around my birthday).

Please don't give up on your goals - make the effort to realize any small portion of the goals you've made together, no matter how small. Create little expeditions' around a camp fire to a local forest, a beach, and even a local park. The smallest moments are the ones the most cherished. We did this for my mother - it was some of the most rewarding and cherished/happiest memories. One of our favorite memories was a trip to a wig/costume shop - what could have been depressing trip to deal with the chemo induced hairloss, turned into several hours of laughter and reminiscing of past ridiculousness.

In our current financial situation, only dreams would allow the purchase of such a vehicle. I'm self-employed and still dealing with a severely injured back (fractured vertebrae & discs issues), we have a new baby (our 1st!), and a wife that does the work of angels - she's a grief & loss psychotherapist that specializes in terminally ill kids & their families, the severely mental ill indigent population, and hospice. Spending time with each other is a top priority and we are making due with what we can afford.

It is a beautiful vehicle - given its build quality and value, have you considered using any of those vehicle brokerage services?

I don't know anything about these guys, but I've admired the pics for quite a while. Looks like they have European exposure. http://www.expedition-trucks.com/brokers/expedition-trucks-sale


...sorry for the long winded sappy post - it hit me in the softies....
P.S. I get a kick out of your for sale threads...

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