Expedition-ifying a 2000 Tundra

Getting there.

Shocks and bumps have arrived, as soon as I'm able to work on the truck again, I'll be finishing the rear suspension and can get back to the overland stuff :coffee:.

Note the expedition-ready zebra leaf springs. :elkgrin:

Currently sitting on the suspension, and it's been driven around the block a few times :victory:.

The Baja Bushings really help...note the driver's side spring angle in the last picture. If I'd done this before, the shackle and hanger never would have been damaged. Still to do, new hangers and shackles, air bump brackets, shock mounts and then I can hang the fiberglass while I finalize how to carry fuel, water, cooler and spare tire.


Well-known member
:lurk: Thanks for keeping us posted Sean. I'm really, really wanting to see more of this...it's going to be sooo cool when its finished!


2008 Expedition Trophy Champion
What? No picture of your bump stops?:ylsmoke::D:hehe:

Can't wait to see that thing outside the garage!


Come on with it man - you have under 2 months to get that dude finished so you can wheel Moab with us :ylsmoke:!

Oh yeah, 37's & 4.88's are a perfect match for our rigs by the way - think I'm turning about 2,100 RPM @ 70 MPH.
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I'm counting the days til my surgery is considered fully healed...14 days left, and then it's back to work.

I am not posting that picture of the "air bumps" here! :removeredX: I got enough grief posting that "fleshlight" writeup on TTORA :elkgrin:. The picture is in the main gallery with the other shots in my last post ;).

Oh yeah, 37's & 4.88's are a perfect match for our rigs by the way - think I'm turning about 2,100 RPM @ 70 MPH.

Wait til you head up the Divide and Vail Pass and the four speed starts hunting for 2nd gear :hehe:

Deleted member 1276

Updates??? This is one of the few builds I'm following with great interest!


American Adventurist
I am not posting that picture of the "air bumps" here! :removeredX: I got enough grief posting that "fleshlight" writeup on TTORA :elkgrin:. The picture is in the main gallery with the other shots in my last post ;).

I really wanted to see that writeup too. I have QuickFists I hwaven't even used yet waiting for that mod. Bloo
Yeah Bloo the writeup was friggin hilarious :elkgrin:...but only about 30-some people saw it before it was axed :hehe:. There are some pictures of the flashlight setup on TTORA in the expedition section, it's buried in the thread about the water bags in the backs of my seats. Sorry about all the missing pictures here, they were hosted on TS, so when we switched the photo hosting software & format, everything disappeared.

Surgery is officially healed! :wings:

I and a buddy cut a section of 3" x 4" x 0.25" box tube down to rough brackets last Sunday. I figured after bending the 3/16" (presumably treated steel) hangers, and as much as the rear of the truck lands on them, that if I were using mild steel that 0.25" might be a better plan.

We didn't realize the amount of tension through a section of box tube until we cut it in half. At the end of the first cut, the 1/8" or so gap from the cutoff wheel turned in to a 1/4+ gap, with the appropriately loud ring of metal against the concrete floor of the garage. I decided not to use channel, the profile just didn't really fit what I needed.

When I get back from this weekend's trip, it's gonna be more holes and more cutting. I have to match the 3-degree angle at the back of the frame...glad I picked up one of these a while back.

Total material cost was under 30$ :victory:. Pics after more substantial work.

Also...very handy for making holes. 1/4" max depth of cut, and they go through like 1/4" plate was warm butter.
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Haven't updated in a while, just had so much stuff to do that this is going really slowly. Right now it looks like this.

I plan to have it sitting on its own suspension in the next couple weeks, so I can sort out the shock mounts. Too much work, too little time. The plan is still the same, six jerrycans, two water jugs, cooler, spare tire, traction mats, and more...

My welding is getting better, too. Still have plenty to learn, but it's coming along.


Expedition Leader
Whoa! We need a few more pics!!!

Yes, more pics...I just went through the whole thread and all I have to show for it is a headache and a blurry imagination. 2 + yrs of descriptions is a bit much. I subscribed just in case something visual shows up. :coffee:
Sorry guys, all the older photos were linked to the old TundraSolutions photo gallery, which was taken down a while back...I guess I need to get some new pictures. Not even sure if I have copies on a computer somewhere, of the older pictures when I was building up the new rear axle :(.

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