Love pooping in the woods. A nice points game to play on a trip involves the grumpy. Poop in the woods = 1 point. Poop with a view = 2 points. See an animal while pooping = 3 points. See an animal pooping while pooping = 4 points. Looser buys first burger and beer.
Also wanted to share my favorite poop story. Keep scrolling if you're not interested.
In college, i went backpacking with a group of students over Spring Break in the Grand Canyon. While down at Hermit Rapid camp site along the Colorado River, i had the calling. I left camp and went up a hill, away from trail and water to dig a hole. Not wanting to lean on a cactus, i decided to use the Ole Squat method. Removing the pants was the easiest and safest method. Heck, i was half way naked, so shirt came off too. Then i got to thinking, there probably aren't many people only wearing shoes taking a grumpy in the grand canyon. Was a very liberating feeling.