Expedition Overland - 2015 Season


lost on the mainland
if they could make some more money by selling re runs would be happy to try to get folks asking that discovery pick up re runs :)


Expedition Leader
they should take a clue from netflix :) release the whole series at once

regular TV is dying big time don't copy a dying formula of making folks wait etc. most of the excitement is lost over time etc...

Amazon video would be better. I dumped netflix for my Amazon Prime video. We don't watch TV anymore, we record the occasional game or show but most of what we watch is stuff parked as you pointed out at services like Netflix or Amazon etc.


Expedition Leader
Oh please no. I think XO has already outclassed what you see on "cable" networks.

I have a feeling XO is smarter than that. It would cheapen them to be associated with Discovery. I've heard a lot of good YouTube shows die painful deaths after becoming associated with those networks and the destructive input of the network management into the production. Discovery can buy rights to air re-runs.

I'm not very educated on how this stuff works, but the way they have it set up now, I'd assume the only people they have to keep happy are their sponsors and the viewers. They have much more control staying away from network TV.

I think a lot of people have WiFi enabled devices on their TV, my BluRay/DVD player has a YouTube app, I can watch XO on TV like anything else.

Speaking of, I know what I'm watching tonight. :lurk:

Wait what! You don't want another Alaska Offroad Warriors!?!?!?!

Scott H Murray

Adventure Photog
Very nice episode and just what I needed right now especially after riding off my 2014 dualcab landcruiser and being house bound. Waiting for Episode 2 now :)


Watched it at work, sat at my desk...I have to admit, I promised the missus I wouldn't, as we are going to watch it on the TV this evening. She is so excited and couldn't wait get back home from London.
(I bet she's watched it already!!).
I'll watch it many times over, I'm sure!
Great work, guys.


What a great season opener, seeing how the team works through hiccups in preparation was awesome. Excellent work by all involved. The only thing that made driving into my desk job today ok was being in my own 4Runner. Already excited for next week!

open country

New member
Watched last night, awesome set-up episode. Really great moment when the Sheriff took yall to the county line and hit the lights.

Will they all be as long as episode 1?

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