Expedition Overland - 2015 Season


Well-known member
...Any reason they ditched the trailer for this season?

The trailer would have added far too much complexity and cost. Things like the ferry crossings, tight parking and streets throughout Central America and payload on the Tacoma were all heavy considerations. It's a fantastic trailer and it will still be utilized for future trips!

Meh, it actually seemed apropos for this specific episode. I just wish they had taken a few minutes to go over the Tundra he was driving. No offense to the current XO vehicles, but the Tundra looked really quite ************.

Ted's Tundra is absolutely rad. I wish we would have had an extra day to spend with him in Baja, coverage of his truck would have been great.

I'm still going to tune in every week. If nothing else the "cast" has great chemistry, it's a good story, and supporting this series/show will hopefully lead to more productions of similar caliber from other independent filmmakers.


Glad there are new video's the whole family enjoys watching them. Anybody know if Clay and the crew ran wheel spacers on the 4runner's? I am about to run the same suspension (except not stage 7) and have the same wheels they got.

No wheel spacers. Glad you're enjoying the show!

Be careful when you watch, someone is copying their videos and poaching them under their own channel that is not XO. Sad thing is it had well over 1,000 views on Episode 2... Not cool. :mad:

Interesting. Really appreciate you mentioning that. Thanks for watching!


Well-known member
Lol thanks guys. I talk my wife into watching this with me tonight. We make a nice dinner. Sit down to eat, hit play....and the 1st 5 min was Kurt and clays....issue (won't spoil for those that haven't seen it yet)

So I take it I was the only ******** that was laughing his *** off?

^^^^^^^ Nope you were not; I was also laughing. It is nice to finally put a face or should I say image to Kurt. :sombrero:

Glad some of you found it humorous and sorry to those out there that did not. It's not the first time I've been sick abroad and it won't be the last... you just have to grin and bear it and let it work it's way out, literally. :D

Awesome episode. 10x better than the first two.

Right on, glad you're feeling an improvement. Keep tuning in, I think they will only get more intriguing as we move south.

How did the TAD gear hold up? I'm thinking about getting a ranger hoodie and a stealth hoodie lt. Worth the price?

I'm a late adopter to TAD, many of our Expeditions7 team rocked TAD and had nothing but praise but I never really found myself looking for something new if that makes sense. Fast forward to this trip and the gear was bomber. I particularly love their shorts. The pants are thick material and I'm a short guy but I think I'll warm up to them (pun intended) during some cooler weather camping. I just got back from an adventure in AK where we expected cool temps and wet conditions, the TAD gear was my go to for the bulk of my packing. Hope that answers your question.

Subtle sponsorship shows are one thing, but I guess it's OK to blow your own horn. Baja prowess though, belongs not to just one manufacturer...

It absolutely does. However, for the 2014 stock full class, Toyota dominated with a 1st (Toyota USA team in the Tundra) and 2nd (our Team Canguro in the 200 Series). It will be a battle again this next year :D


Well-known member
Thanks for all the comments and questions, hope I was able to answer all I could. For those that have not had a chance to check it out yet, watch with an empty stomach :D



lost on the mainland
OK I watched ep 3 :) hahahah
when we had jerky tourists who got sea sick (I know yours was other related) basically when they would not listen about getting in the water or having some ginger etc... we would give them a clear ziplock :) hahahhahahaha brought back nasty memories hahahhahaha

as someone who lived in central america and ate some questionable things and had Giardia and dysentery I can relate to that gut wrenching feeling of what did I eat
I taught diving for 15 years the diving part was funny to me :) in a good way not a mean funny :) the air thing is common when I lived in the bay islands there suck that bottle into a hour glass :) working in the US waters we were careful to be top with 500

to bad you missed the whales under water :) but cool to see also amazed they did not sing on Maui we would sometimes get to see them and when they sing near you its insane loud ! and almost always talking


Expedition Leader
It's been said, but the production value of these shows is so high. I would love to learn and hear a lot more about the photography, videography and production. I know that's not the point of this series, but it's top notch. Good work!


Well-known member
It's been said, but the production value of these shows is so high. I would love to learn and hear a lot more about the photography, videography and production. I know that's not the point of this series, but it's top notch. Good work!

That end of the adventure was above my pay grade. I handled logistics (route, mapping & schedule)... my stuff felt easy compared to the artists behind the camera.


So how did you shoot the long distance scenes? I've counted numerous times through the shows someone saying something along the lines of "we hauled to make up lost time" but the camera shot is from like 1000 feet behind the group. Do they just drop a photog, shoot the shot, and go back to pick them up?
Seems like a lot of time spent of the goal for that section is making up time :p

Sent from my OnePlus One using Tapatalk.


New member
So how did you shoot the long distance scenes? I've counted numerous times through the shows someone saying something along the lines of "we hauled to make up lost time" but the camera shot is from like 1000 feet behind the group. Do they just drop a photog, shoot the shot, and go back to pick them up?
Seems like a lot of time spent of the goal for that section is making up time :p

Sent from my OnePlus One using Tapatalk.
I've heard they do the photographer drop off pick up thing to get some shots but I am curious as well.
Also some shots look like they have been taken from a drone.
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New member
Oops... photog? I was using voice to text.

Drop off a photographer then go back and pick them up.
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Well-known member
So how did you shoot the long distance scenes? I've counted numerous times through the shows someone saying something along the lines of "we hauled to make up lost time" but the camera shot is from like 1000 feet behind the group. Do they just drop a photog, shoot the shot, and go back to pick them up?
Seems like a lot of time spent of the goal for that section is making up time :p

Sent from my OnePlus One using Tapatalk.

Yup, drop a shooter from the front, back car picks them up and we yo-yo to catch up. Minimized downtime. We have to capture so while thr filming takes time... we make time.


Thanks for all the comments and questions, hope I was able to answer all I could. For those that have not had a chance to check it out yet, watch with an empty stomach :D

I was eating as I watched, not so bad if you have ever had to clean up a bar and rest rooms at closing time after a wild night, or changed dirty diapers. Worked in horse barns, dealt with septic systems. Dealing with dog poop still kind of gets me at times.:)

Little Foot

Been watching these guys for awhile now. Had the privelage of meeting a few at Overland Expo West, inspiring stuff.

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