Expedition overland article on not getting "Jeeping"

Chazz Layne

This makes as much sense as a rock crawler trying "overlanding" and hates it so he makes an article about it...
"so i got in my land rover with 29" all terrains and drove. And drove and drove and drove. Stopped for lunch and drove some more. And we drove. Oh yea but we had heated seats! and enough gear to cross the Sahara twice (even though we were just going for the weekend). I just don't get overlanding."

I'm not sure if it was intended, but I read this in the voice of Randal's Lord of the Rings rant from Clerks II. :jump:

Ranger Steve

I think he just used the wrong term. He was talking about rock crawling. To some it's not fun and to others it is. To each their own. My jeep will do both and I'll have fun doing both.


not to mention one obvious thing he FAILED on. Not securing his gear, or his pet.

Pretty much says what a thoughtless person the writer is.

Not worthy of borrowing that brute.

This x2. I expected more from a portal staff member. I can't believe this article made it past the editor. It's akin to having an arts major having an article published in a publication for chemists and saying "I just don't get that molecule thingy".


I think he just used the wrong term. He was talking about rock crawling. To some it's not fun and to others it is. To each their own. My jeep will do both and I'll have fun doing both.
Sounds like he did that on purpose. If you scan the comments, there's one where he said "Also... I will admit part of putting jeep thing in the title was to stir up a little trouble ;)". Ergh


Author just needed some asphalt and paid campground time to get back in his outdoorsy groove

I just read this. Wow! I guess this guy gets his rocks off by belittling the majority of the members of this forum. To me, the term overlanding implies self contained vehicular travel on remote routes to remote locations. There are many categories of travel. Bicycling, hiking, air, train, hitch hiking, etc. Each has its own pluses and minuses. If you don't like hiking, go ahead and drive, but don't dish on the hikers. I guess Mr. Cordes prefers being able to drive to the Disneyland like atmosphere of the Grand Canyon south rim. My wife and I will take the dirt road to Toroweap on the north rim, and drive our high clearance vehicle up the short rough section and camp there. You can actually see the stars. Can the drive be done in a sedan? Quite possibly, but with a high risk of vehicle damage or a cleanup from a punctured oil or transmission pan. It's the same if I was biking. No sweat in a mountain bike, but I wouldn't do it on my road bike.

Ranger Steve

Sounds like he did that on purpose. If you scan the comments, there's one where he said "Also... I will admit part of putting jeep thing in the title was to stir up a little trouble ;)". Ergh

I didn't read the comments but now knowing that, it's just a waste of an article.


Rollin' along
Very odd indeed

Activities we all partake in vary as much as us as individuals. Even those who like the same type of vehicle will want to use it for different purposes. It is one thing for the writer to have their opinion, we all have one, but to give it a voice as an article here is very odd. I would have expected such a write up to be in one of the forums simply to stir the pot vs an article.

Growing up in Michigan back in the day it was all about HP and capability. Every weekend we were in the woods or at the dunes seeing who could make a run better than the other person in XYZ machine and comparing mods that had been done over the last week. There was no other objective other than "my XYZ is more capable than your ABC machine" and we all loved it. We broke a lot of parts, burned a ton of fuel and stretched the truth a long way.

As costs of everything has increased my interests tend to be more of wanting to get off the main roads and find an interesting spot that most don't know about or can't reach. We encounter some technical (for our vehicles) and feel a bit of accomplishment for getting through it and then chill at the destination. Occasionally we have someone bomb by us w/ what we might call no regard for their XYZ vehicle (or body being beaten in it) and we could sit back and criticize them or scratch our heads in confusion but rewind that scene 20+/- years and I could see myself sitting in that vehicle doing the same thing.

Overall, our ideas of what is fun are different and they change. I'd rather not label or poke fun at any of them or ponder why someone else does it simply because I don't get it.
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Expedition Leader
Just read it and all I can say is this guy seems a bit wimpy among other descriptive words, and that article as well as his "opinion" are both a waste of the forum readership's time. Tires appear to have full street pressure, common sense would tell you that airing down the tires would keep you from knocking around what brain cells may help you become a better writer, are you afraid to get dirt on your shoes while airing down? But way to go ExPo, you just showed all of us how close-minded you allow your "writers" to be, next time have someone with more than 5 years experience of car camping next to paved roads write the article.

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