Expedition Portal and The Africa Overland Network present the Overland Live Series.


YouTube & MP3 now available

If you could not attend any of the live sessions, be sure to watch the YouTube recorded session or listen to the MP3 audio only.

The recorded sessions are available here: Webcast Recordings

Our last guest was Toby Savage - he shared about his experiences in North Africa and about his upcoming trip in two WWII jeeps.



Sunday 20th Event...

Our next Overland Live event will be this Sunday (20th Feb at 1100pst).

Our guest speaker will be Hennie Rautenbach, the founder of Overland Forum ZA. Hennie is a South African with a passion for Overland Travel. He currently drives a fully equipped Defender 130 and has owned and travelled overland in LR Series, Toyota Troopies plus a host of other vehicles.

Join us live on Sunday as we explore Southern Africa and enjoy the campfire stories Hennie has to tell.

View more details here: http://www.overland-live.com/podcast.htm

Let me know if you have any questions for Hennie.


Login Details for Sunday 20th

Webcast Login Details

Topic: Overland Live Webcast
Date: Sunday, 20 February 2011
Time: 19:00, Western European Time (London, GMT)
Meeting Number: 808 895 934
Meeting Password: overland
To join the online meeting (Now from mobile devices!)
1. Go to http://bit.ly/dQOgYg
2. If requested, enter your name and email address.
3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: overland
4. Click "Join".
5. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen

Photo from our guest speaker's albums:



Just a friendly reminder that today's Overland Live session will be starting in less than 2 hours... Our guest speaker will be Hennie Rautenbach from South Africa.

Look forward to seeing you online.


This Sunday at 7pm GMT

I will be hosting another Overland Live webcast on Sunday evening at 7pm GMT.

The session will be slightly different from the previous sessions - this one will be an interactive discussion on creating your overland website and more importantly the type of content for the right audience.

The aim after the session will be to pool everyone suggestions and hopefully use it as a template for future overlanders who are thinking of creating a website.

See www.overland-live.com if you are interested in joining the call.




New Podcast - Overland website thoughts & Tips

A new podcast is available for downloading - this week we discuss Overland website creation - selecting your audience, hosting your website, digital content, and social media. A must listen if interested in creating your own overland website.

Read the show notes or right click to download the MP3

Guests this week are:
Guests include Anthony (Motojournalism) and Taniya (CaTs Itchy Feet)


Sunday 13th March Login Details

Our guest speaker this week will be Scott Brady. Scott will be sharing top tips on preparing your vehicle for an overland expedition.


The Login Details
Topic: Webcast - Top Tips on Vehicle preparation
Date: Sunday, 13March 2011
Time: 7pm PST (0300 GMT) - please note new time zone.
Meeting Number: 803 163 423
Meeting Password: overland

To join the online meeting (Now from mobile devices!)
1. Go to http://bit.ly/f1yVpU
2. If requested, enter your name and email address.
3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: overland
4. Click "Join".
5. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen.

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jesus m anderson