Here's some more images from Outdoor Retailer - Day One
Goal Zero has been really busy company since we last saw their products; they just released the new Sherpa 50, converting to a new one piece design.
Power ports.
Top (old) Bottom (new)
Goal Zero has just released the Yeti 1250 - It will power a household refrigerator for up to 4 days.
I'm really impressed with this unit - It can be used in your house, and in you
Ice Cool sells a high-end cooler that is comparable to a YETI unit at a lower cost.
I'm a big fan of products that push the envelope, and especially when they do it in America, with American parts. Terrastrenua is making a lightweight out of the box sleep cot.
Carbon Fiber beams support the cot.
It folds up to be incredibly light and compact. This unit is a prototype and they're hoping to make it even smaller and more lightweight.
With this unit you can actually charge your devices via hydrogen
It's called the powertrekk.
It appears to be built very stoutly.
This compact stove starts off, and ends as a stainless tube, everything you see is self contained in the closest tube.
Here's the largest pair of Mountain Khakis you'll likely ever see.
Nike has a Sportsmobile, that's awesome!