Expedition Portal Project: 2008 Range Rover Sport


Expedition Leader
Chris, if you don't mind my asking, what do you do for a living? Your collection of toys certainly are not inexpensive items.

Chris Cordes

Expedition Leader
Haha thanks guys.
In general I have a lot of toys because I suffer from a serious case of car add. I trade far too often so I sinply swap one for the next. Thus far I've walked away with extra cash from just about every deal I've done.
The exception to my sell one car to pay for another rule is the 4Runner which I leased and have to pay for each month. Probably wouldn't do that again. I know Matt Scott can relate to this problem haha


How did you attach the traction board thingys ( In Scotland, this is used to identify anything and everything that you don't know the correct name for, in the hope the other person has the slightest clue about what you mean ) :D to the Load guard?
Seems a nice simple thing to have them inside and now get stolen etc.

Do you still have this or has it gone to a new owner?

Chris Cordes

Expedition Leader
I used Velcro straps available at any hardware store. They just interlock. I ised zip ties the first time since I never get stuck. Of course the first time I did that I sunk my truck in sand and had to cut them loose haha

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