Looks like a clean install. Should also help alot with the temps...
Is the fan temperature switched?
I did not put it on a thermostat. I have a gauge that I monitor rather frequently that shows the actual trans and coolant temps. If things start heating up too much I'll just flip the switch.
I'd be worried about it getting pelted with gravel. If a coil tube takes a direct hit from say the sharp edge of a 3/4" rock, It could puncture the tubeWhat about installing a sturdy tight fitting mesh screen? Or even a solid piece of sheet metal designed as a sort of air scoop to collect the air from the front bumper area and thus avoid the stones as well as mud-cake?
Great add-on though, especially for anyone towing or climbing a lot of hills. Hope it works well for you!
Thanks for the comments. As for the rock, I really don't think I have anything to worry about. The only way a rock could land a direct shot on the cooler is if the wheel is at full left lock. That's about a 20' diameter turn I'd be doing. I can't imagine shooting many rocks off the tire at that low of a speed. But you're right, another concern. However I really think the location is relatively safe, compared to the other option, which would have been under the vehicle.