ExpeditionOverland: South America 2017 - Debuts 10/27/17


New member
Kurt, thanks for posting here and sharing everything you do.
You guys have given me many ideas and stuff to think about with my own Jeep and future travel ideas.
The photo/video/drone work y'all do is great and much appreciated.


Well-known member
Kurt, thanks for posting here and sharing everything you do.
You guys have given me many ideas and stuff to think about with my own Jeep and future travel ideas.
The photo/video/drone work y'all do is great and much appreciated.

x2. Can´t wait for #10. Oh crap does that mean the end?


New member
Awesome video as always! Secretly hoping that you'll be making a special detour back into Chile in the next episode to check out Torres del Paine. :ylsmoke:

Oh, and a very belated Happy Birthday!


Well-known member
Episode 11 is now on YouTube and marks the 2nd to last episode for this season. We do a super rare offroad crossing from Chile into Argentina that sees just a handful of vehicles each year. I hope you enjoy it!

Next week is the season finale and I hope to see some of you at the season finale party (1/20/18) here in SLC at Equipt Expedition Outfitters. The whole team will be there, looking forward to meeting all of the shows viewers, answering questions, etc. You can register and learn more here: https://www.facebook.com/events/128330694508134/?ti=icl


Vinz Clortho

New member
Great show, Kurt. Obviously I’m sad that it’s over but I know there will be more adventures down the road. I’ll be rewatching this series for years to come.

Thanks for taking the time to share the interesting facts and little known secrets of each region as you encountered it. That made for a much more engaging experience for those of us following along from home.


Well-known member
This episode marks the end of the road (figuratively and literally) for the Expedition Overland Season 3 and our PanAmerican Highway endeavor, having now traversed Prudhoe Bay, Alaska to Ushuaia, Argentina. The ending in Ushuaia was bittersweet, while we accomplished what we had set out to do a year ago when we kicked off planning for the South America segment, we would also be closing the tents for the last time and loading the trucks into containers. Life was slipping past us back home and we all had family, work and other commitments to see to, return was necessary and a relief in it's own right. We had driven all of these miles unscathed and came out not only better friends but life long friends because of it. We learned so many things about the world around us, the people we encountered and most importantly ourselves.

Last nights season wrap party at Equipt here in SLC was humbling and overwhelming yet provided some amazing fulfillment knowing that viewers are finding inspiration on our story and using it as an impetus to plan their own adventures. That was so encouraging to hear firsthand and I thank all of you that shared those stories with us. I'd like to thank everyone that had a part in this adventure, the entire XO team and staff, our families (my wife Candace is an absolute rockstar), the sponsors that make it all feasible and most importantly the viewers for making all the effort worth it.

Thanks for watching everyone!



Excellent series. Thank you very much for making the best of our Friday evenings. Easily the best thing on the idiot box on a Friday evening. It was the very first series (to the Yukon) that helped convince my Wife that this sort of travel could be well worthwhile. This latest series was simply amazing. I think my Wife summed it up best when she said the reason she likes the XO videos is that they all are very normal people, act like a bunch of goofballs, and don't take themselves to seriously. In a world of "hey look at me" and "hey look at my fancy, expensive, trendy ______" the XO videos have gone a long way in the opposite and right direction.
If the series weren't enough the final exit shot with the group, kids and dog running around pretty much nailed it for me.


Well-known member
That was a treat! I hope to do that trip someday. I´m now watching your panam highway trip backwards (central America then Alaska). Muchisimo gracias.


Great work XO! Everything on this series, whether story-telling, cinematography, editing, and of course the location, has been several notches above any of your previous stuff. Hoping you all get to continue producing even better content in the future!

Kurt, since you're the technical guy in the group, and thankfully also quite active here, can you comment on the XV3 trailer and how it performed? I'm in the process of planning my own trailer build and would like to learn from your experience if you don't mind sharing. Some of the things I noticed:

There were a few super slow-motion shots which clearly showed the disparity in the suspension performance of the tow vehicle LC200 and the trailer. This leads to the question of how heavily loaded the trailer was relative to its rated load. XVenture has recommended minimum loading to be at least 75% of rated to ensure good isolation.

The wiring trouble you had should maybe give anyone pause before incorporating complex electricals and a battery into a trailer.... especially if the suspension isn't very good compared to the tow rig. After I saw this I concluded it is perhaps better to keep trailers really simple....


Duuuude!!! You guys just get better and better each season. We hope to do the Prudhoe bay to SA ourselves in a few years. We'll be in a 4wd Sportsmobile that weighs about 9000lbs. Did you guys run across anything that would be a road block for us due to size or weight?

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