Expeditions 7: Two Years Around the World on all Seven Continents.


So far so good.

You are now about to enter the phase in your trip when everything changes.

Language barriers, drop box toilets, poor hygiene, questionable food, insecure camping, disregard for road rules, crap diesel, why do today what you can do tomorrow attitude etc etc.

I have no doubt from your experience that you are very well aware of all these things. But its interesting when the 'glamour' aspect from the trip dissolves into the harsh reality of the job.

Once the European border is reached and you enter Russia it is funny how everything changes. Who would believe its possible to buy Russian car insurance in a DVD rental store at 2am on a Monday morning!

Going back to your vehicle discussion and how Landrovers get under your skin. I'm sitting in UB in Mongolia having broken down in road works in Russia, spent 9 hours in a recommended garage in Mongolia to get 2 spot welds on the exhaust and then travelled in the Landrover on the back of a truck for 5 days from East to West Mongolia because I have a gearbox problem. It has tested my patience, my nerves, my enthusiasm, my wallet but most of all what drives us to do these things.

There have been 3 overland motorcyclists murdered in the last 6 weeks in Siberia when things have obviously gone so horribly horribly wrong.

I have followed this thread with great excitement looking forward to each post and update. What a fantastic trip. Yet sometimes the expectations and the reality are poles apart. Meticulous planning, perhaps even an endless budget does not ensure that everything runs smoothly.

Perhaps we may bump into each other on the road somewhere. At the very least if you guys make it to Tasmania I hope we can exchange highlights around the fire somewhere. We mentioned sharing a container to Australia yet as I write this watching the fires destroy the wilderness around the Road of Bones to Magadan and see central Mongolia drowned in torrential downpours who knows what will happen.

I think the purpose of this post is to highlight that there is more to the reality of achieving fantastic photographs and what seems a dream come true for many, than the reality of being at the helm of pulling off a venture of this magnitude.

My best wishes are with you for the next leg of your trip. I hope it goes like clockwork but somewhere along the way something will happen to throw a spanner in the works. Why is it that the toughest challenge brings the greatest reward? Please be sure to continue to bring us the reality of day to day life on the road.


Scott Brady

Perhaps we may bump into each other on the road somewhere. At the very least if you guys make it to Tasmania I hope we can exchange highlights around the fire somewhere. We mentioned sharing a container to Australia yet as I write this watching the fires destroy the wilderness around the Road of Bones to Magadan and see central Mongolia drowned in torrential downpours who knows what will happen.

I would enjoy that Callum.

We are planning to be in Magadan in early October and are working actively on shipping logistics to Darwin. We have an agent and are pleased with the progress so far. We should chat off-line on your timing and thoughts.

Russia is an interesting place, and on my last visit the full weight of the bureaucracy came to bare, but I enjoyed that. The border crossing was intense (both entering and leaving), but nothing a smile and some patience couldn't resolve.

Scott Brady

We have arrived at the Arctic Circle in Europe. Funny how the sign was in English. I suspect that is because the Scandinavians think we are silly for wanting to go further north.

Norway has been absolutely stunning and the people fantastic. Reindeer are everywhere.

Scott Brady

The Land Cruisers are doing great too and pulling their weight. Some of the passes in Norway were epic, especially in the fog.


Supporting Sponsor Presenting Sponsor of Overland
I am glad to hear the adventure it progressing well. God's speed, gentlemen. Thanks for the update.


****, did not see this before now! Were in Norway are you guys at now? If you travel pass Ålesund or close to Stryn, we in the Landcruiser club in Norway can show you some amazing places!


New member
Fan and Lights

Scott, Can you provide the name (or post a link) to the lights and fans that were mounted in the trucks? I read about them in your outfitting article on portal, but I didn't see a mention of who made them. How did the fans work in the warmer climates?

I'm also curious to see how the LED lights mounted to the roof rack are working. Do you have any pictures of them in action?



Expedition Leader
LOL, the gaps in updates in this travelogue have lasted longer than my longest vacation ever :)

Come on Scott, let's hear from you!

Scott Brady

Just enjoying Europe. We will post some updates once we start downloading the several thousand images. It is always a challenge. I don't know if I would ever go back to NordKapp, so it is worth dedicating the time to living in the moment. . .


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