nearing completion. Did another road test last night. The swaying is much improved with the weight of the tent, the the front rack/truck box, and the propane tank up front.
Installed propane tank
Harbor Freight solid rubber wheel choks for when we are disconnected and parked. I deployed the camper top with trailer disconnected. Its actually quite stable. Not much worse than the bit of shaking you feel in the RTT on the top of the jeep.
Got this at a garage sale last summer. Added for fun. Its probably from an old Willys Wagon jeep....
The latches that hold the kitchen box shut. Nice feature is they have a padlock spot, to keep them from popping open on the trail, and keep people out when in town or a hotel or something.
Added a solar light. Here is the solar panel. Put it on a magnet mount so I can move it around at camp to follow the sun. The light is mounted inside the box under the drawers to put light on the stove and sink.
Some shots of everything setup. No awning for now, not in the budget.
Not much left to do. Just need to glue the plumbing lines into place from tank to sink and test. Might figure out a better jack. I just modified the one that was on there to allow for more height adjust ability. Only thing left to do is go camping and try it all out! I'm sure I'll come back with a laundry list of things to fix. That's usually how it goes.