Extra low Auxilary side steps for lifted vehicles. Do they exist? How do I find?


The uphill battle begins
So I did the 2 inch body lift on the Sport. I added 285/75r16s. I also swapped my stock running boards for the older version that is much lighter. So here is the vehicle as it sits.


Now I have to figure out how to get an additional side step to help Mom get in & out of this rig. She is 70 years old with 2 hip replacements and a semi bad back.

Why? well... Mom was in a wreck and her car was totalled. Long story short it is fixable. Its a limited edition, rare, low mile body with a new motor. AND she is sentimentally attached, so the car is being fixed. Georgia is a pain to do this. You have to go through massive inspections... Ga took her title and it can be up to 6 months before she is issued a new one. Right now she is not driving as her foot was broken in the wreck, but as soon as she gets released she will need to borrow a car till hers is done. She only drives automatics. Our only Automatic is the Montero Sport. So we will be loaning it to her for however long she needs it.

My concern is with the lift and additonal height from the new tires, she might have an issue getting in & out. I have tried searching for side steps for a "lifted" vehicle. Figured there had to be a hoop style that was designed to be lower and kick out more then the traditional step side. Figured we could throw one on there for her for the time being. Anyway I can't get anything definative. I'm not sure what to exactly search on goole to get something more taylored to what I'm looking for. I'm just getting a tons of "side steps" I'm concerned the hoop styles I'm seeing might not sit lower then the side step I have or they might not kick out enough to use both in conjunction.

Do you guys have any idea what I can search or where to get something like this? Since its temporary I would prefer to not have to shell out a ton. I was seeing a pair of hoop style for 40-50 bucks. That seems fair. Just not sure if they will work with what I have. There are no dimensions noting how low they sit or how far out from the side of the frame. I just want something I can use in conjunction with what I already have. If its universal, no worries, I can drill some new holes in the frame! :)

Thank you!


Expedition Leader
Remove the stock running board thingies and install a lowered step, nothing more to it, very simple to do. If the Montero makes it without being wrecked until her car is repaired then put the running board thingies back on. As you can tell I'm not a fan of running boards, they are silly and defeat the purpose of lifting a vehicle.


Are you talking about stuff like this? http://www.pickupspecialties.com/truck_steps_Main.htm
There are lots of products that will offer a step, but are you sure your 70-year old mother with 2 hip replacements, a bad back, and a broken foot should still climb up and down?
If you have the funds, you could consider buying a used Camry or similar, then selling it again in 6 months when she is done with it for pretty much the same price. You would just be out some taxes and fees and such. A bit more expensive, but something she may be able to use without hurting herself.


The uphill battle begins

Yep... basically this design.... I just can't really tell how low most of them sit...

There are lots of products that will offer a step, but are you sure your 70-year old mother with 2 hip replacements, a bad back, and a broken foot should still climb up and down?
She is tougher then I made her sound, I just want an option for her if she needs it.

If you have the funds, you could consider buying a used Camry or similar, then selling it again in 6 months when she is done with it for pretty much the same price. You would just be out some taxes and fees and such. A bit more expensive, but something she may be able to use without hurting herself.

As for the funds for a temp car. The Sport ate all those with its mechanical issues here as of late. I thank my daughter for those. I think we are up to $2500 if you include the tires...
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The uphill battle begins
Remove the stock running board thingies and install a lowered step, nothing more to it, very simple to do. If the Montero makes it without being wrecked until her car is repaired then put the running board thingies back on. As you can tell I'm not a fan of running boards, they are silly and defeat the purpose of lifting a vehicle.

She had a lady cross the center line and hit her on a curve. Mom evaded as best as she could. She slowed and pull completely off the road and the lady still hit her.

We have the running boards on there cause the wife is 5 foot and needs something. When money is better I will invest in some functional side skids that protect the rig.


Your best bet might be to go to a local store like 4wheelparts or other truck accessory stores and seeing what they have in person. Otherwise you won't be able to tell how each one will fit to your vehicle and how much of a step it gives.


Overlanding Nurse
If it's just temporary I'd be tempted to bang out something made of wood. Most folks with limited mobility find that getting out of the vehicle is often harder than getting in. You want some very generously-sized steps out there.


Maybe see can a defender folding step be modified to fit onto your rails. I think the biggest issue you will find is getting the step far enough away from the running board to make it more like stairs than a ladder


Beware of bolting Defender parts onto a mitsubishi,I did and within a year I found a rust hole :sombrero:


The uphill battle begins
Good suggestions... I wil check with the local 4x4 place around town. Also seems pepboys has a few versions in stock.

Might can play with the wood option....
The defender step looks like an interesting option.

Also found this on youtube... LOL. Guy is pretty darn creative. Now if I could weld... Maybe some combo of this idea and the defender step...


If I had any thick steel... I'm good with a dremel might could extend some mounting brackets for the standard hoop style.

Jay Ayala

Extra low Auxilary side steps for lifted vehicles. Do they exist? How do I ...

I love this topic. Have you ever heard of Bestop? Those guys make an amazing product that I actually started prototyping back in 2004. I never really got going with it though. It's essentially a powered running board that tucks itself out of the way when the vehicle doors are closed. They automatically fold down and are ready to use when you open the door.


1989 Dodge Raider 3.0L
1997 Mitsubishi Montero 3.5L


The uphill battle begins
Awesome idea and concept. I always loved that type of design. Best of both worlds. I have seen some incarnations of this. I'm know it's out of our price point though. Grrr

Watched the video... very slick. I love the mention of the extra length for lifted vehicles.

I emailed about a universal version, as there was nothing showing for Monteros of any kind. They said they have nothing available to help me.
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Gone Microcamping
If this is a temporary issue, and I'm guessing you're helping her in and out of the car as well, why not a simple collapsable step stool that you can stash in the back?


The uphill battle begins
She will have the suv at her house while I'm at work. That will be when she is running errands. So I won't be able to assist.
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