F150 vs Tundra....I’ll make a decision tomorrow


Deleted member 9101

Someone can, if that is their choice. I doubt much introspection arises from being Ignored, though.
Right now all I see is tears and hurt feelings. Kinda shocked at the frailty of those who were so adamant about being rude.


Officious Intermeddler
Sometimes the only person I try to ignore is myself. It seems to work frequently for my wife.?

....but seriously, when I go to research some of the more cantankerous members‘ pages and then skim through their comments to try to get a better idea as to where they’re coming from, what I read makes me wonder if maybe the forum also needs to add a disclaimer on some of these more constantly cranky commenters’ posts, reminding us they should be considered “for entertainment purposes only.”


Well-known member
Sometimes the only person I try to ignore is myself. It seems to work frequently for my wife.?

....but seriously, when I go to research some of the more cantankerous members‘ pages and then skim through their comments, it makes me wonder if maybe the forum also needs a disclaimer posted on these more constantly cranky commenters posts, “for entertainment purposes only.”
I don't know about a disclaimer, but I've seen forums with different + / - schemes for posts & members. ExPo's current Like system is a limited version of that, and it has some value to that end.


I love that everytime I come on the forums recently, this post is still at the top. Nothing constructive at all. I was interested in the original discussion. This was fun gents, go about your lives and quit name calling on the internet, I feel like I just stepped out of my classroom into a silly, yet curiously obnoxious argument in the hall between freshman.


Officious Intermeddler
..... ExPo's current Like system is a limited version of that, and it has some value to that end.

Yeah, agreed. And it’s also interesting and fun to see how, in a more indirect way, sometimes members’ simple use of the “like” button to ratify one’s comment can be effectively translated often to tell someone else in disagreement with that comment that they’re being an azzhat.


Well-known member
Yeah, agreed. And it’s also interesting and fun to see how, in an more indirect way, members’ use of the “like” button can be effectively translated to tell someone that they’re being an azzhat
I'm not sure how often that level of perception is attained.


Well-known member
I love that everytime I come on the forums recently, this post is still at the top. Nothing constructive at all. I was interested in the original discussion. This was fun gents, go about your lives and quit name calling on the internet, I feel like I just stepped out of my classroom into a silly, yet curiously obnoxious argument in the hall between freshman.
OP bought a white Ford F150, 3.5 TwinTurbo with the 6.5’ bed.

So ... there you go.

Deleted member 9101

OP bought a white Ford F150, 3.5 TwinTurbo with the 6.5’ bed.

So ... there you go.

What he dared to defy the Toyota gods!!!!!!


True sign of cowardice, some people just can't stand the thought that other people have different tastes and make different choices and they exhaust themselves trying to convince the world to follow their lead, when they can't accomplish that they "ignore" the most vocal opponents so that the ignorer doesn't have to be reminded of their failure to convert the ignored!
Seems like here at the portal it's the ford fanboys who try the hardest and then hide behind the ignore button, funny thing about the ford boys is when they encounter another ford boy who likes a different version ford they immediately attack to convince the other ford boy of their error..... strange how their minds work!


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