Interesting, you either drink the Toyota Kool aid or you don't.
Same can be said for ALL makes and models.
Appears these types of threads turn into pissing matches.. what happened to civility?
Same can be said for another very hot thread on this site, one person will site an article based on an "opinion" and the believers will defend that position to the point of moderators telling grown ups to quit acting like playground bullies.
Maybe I'm just getting old, but, it appears to me that this world has turned into "my way or the hiway" , no more agree to disagree.
With todays information highway at our fingertips ( going out on a limb here) I have to think the interweb is 80% BS and opinion, should be viewed that way, but infact it appears to be the opposite.
Makes me think we are closer to AI controlling many of our thoughts and beliefs. I'm beginning to think , in the next couple of generations, I probably won't be around, AI will be controlling all thought process.
We're close now" my way or the hiway" mentality.
I would like to say have a wonderful Sunday ,but , I don't want to appear to tell people what to do.