F550 Flatbed Build


The center piece of the hitch is a Torklift SuperHitch Magnum (see pic). The rear frame rails are boxed with a 5/8 inch plate cut to fit inside the rails, with 3x6 inch steel tubes welded to form the arms, and the Magnum welded in the middle. A Torklift reversible drop shank (see pic) will be used to reach proper hitch height. The Warn 16.5ti will mount on plate between the hitch arms. The hitch, minus winch and paint, is shown in the last pic.

Eddie -the wheels/tires were purchased directly from Rickson.

Photomike - the inside is stock Lance 830 (plus the bunks). I'll snap a few pics of the bunks when I get time.


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Capt Eddie

Do I understand you are putting the winch in the rear? Or is it removeable? While I was at the Expo I was able to find a company that makes skid plates for the military and they had one for the F450-F550 cab and chassis. I bought the front skid plate to protect the hoses under the radiator. It is real easy to jab a stick into the radiator and tear out your tramsmision coolant line. Don't ask how I know. The $370 for for the skid plate is $30 dollars less then the towing back to the house. Another $400 for the replacement lines. The company is ASFIR. I could not find anyone else that carried cab and chassis skid plates. But maybe you wil be smarter then me and not drive though an uncut hay field.
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Dodge 5500 & Lance

I am new to this forum, found it while searching for info to build my '08 Dodge 5500- and a Lance Camper!

Bought the truck 3 weeks ago, doing some engine tuning (parts on the way) and planning out the real fun.

The truck is all stock with an aluminum Hillsboro bed. I am seriously contemplating selling the bed and having one made for the Camper and storage after reading this thread.

I have been trying to decide which camper to go with and narrowed it down to the Lance 830 & 1040 (basically and 830+ 17"), however I have discovered they no longer make the 1040, though I have found 1 in BC. I never even thought of the custom bunk option.

Next thing is wheels and tires. Looking to go with the MPT 81's in the 335/80R20 or possibly the 365/80R20. Wheels I have been talking to Stazworks about some steel beadlocks.

I don't want to lift it, so I am having the axle moved forward to get clearance. If need be I have an adjustable (1"-5") aluminum spacer to add and/or trim the fender.
That is going to be done by Evolution Machine

First I need to get the rims and tires so we can have them there to position the axle. Looking at having Clay at Evolution do the bed as well.

He has some interesting ideas to improve the suspension and ride with his custom built shocks down the road as well.

Anyone have a good line on the MPT 81's or even other wheels I should consider?

Bob- I'd love to pick your brain on the Camper, bunk extension and deck if you don't mind me copying what you've done. I am looking at the fold down bunk option, just wouldn't use it in the winter, thought closed up it should insulate OK? Definitely like your bunk option better though!

What are your thoughts on the stock size of the 830? It is going to be 2 of us and our 2 fairly large dogs?

Anything else you've discovered since you did this? Anything you would change?

Sorry for the long post, I was going to start a new thread when I came across yours - perhaps I should anyway?

Appreciate any helpful advice- it's much less costly to learn from someone else's mistakes :)

Bob (my name- not Bob Lynch)


Eddie thanks for the skid plate tip. Yes, we're mounting the winch in the rear. From all the large rig folks I talked to they suggested rear vs. front. If I get my own rig stuck a humble retreat is probably better than winching through and going deeper into the boonies. Will see how it goes. It will be easy enough to move up front if I change my mind.

Bob, I'll give your build some thoughts and send you a PM when I get more time. Gotta run...


Great Lakes or bust

We are actively planning a big summer road trip around the Great Lakes. I'll be cross-posting a request for ideas in the Planning forum. Wanted to sign up for the UP Overland 2010 trip, but the dates didn't work out.

In the meantime, we decided no good visit to this region would be complete without a canoe/kayak. Since the rig is already very tall, adding a hard sided boat to the roof wouldn't work.

We opted for a pair of Sea Eagle Explorer series inflatable kayaks (see stock photos). http://www.seaeagle.com/ExplorerKayaks.aspx
They are rated for Class IV rapids. With the directional stabilizer they should track okay on flatwater as well. They'll fit nicely in the rear storage boxes when not in use. I live near a big lake so the boats will see lots of use when we're home.

420X.jpg 420x on flatwater.jpg 380x_whitewater.jpg


White Turtle Adventures & Photography
Inflatables are the way to go, bought an Advanced Frame ADVANCEDFRAME™ CONVERTIBLE KAYAK :: AE1007-R last year and love it.

Make sure that you fully inflate before hitting the water, especially on hot days, as the pressure will decrease when it cools. Also, take the pump with you so you can top up on long trips (as well as a patch kit :snorkel::snorkel:).

It takes us 10 minutes to set-up, 20 minutes to collapse, dry and pack.


Build part 2 complete

Part 2 of our build is complete. We leave tomorrow for a 30 day trip around the Great Lakes. The guys at Extreme Campers in High Point, NC have been running wide open to get me on the road (thanks guys). All of my crazy Google Sketchup work has come to life. The only things we didn't get to were the rear slanted boxes with tail lights and final paint on the new upper side boxes.

The Rickson wheels and MPT81s rode great on my quick 250 mile test run. Just need to get the onboard speedo recalibrated so I don't forget the difference between 41 and 32 tires.

The rear tire assembly works great. The Warn winch and modified SuperHitch are used to raise and lower the spare. The camper upper boxes match the flatbed fenders dimensions. To maximize space in the upper boxes the Torklift Fast Guns were moved to outside the boxes behind the camper jacks. The camper jack legs were also extended to clear the taller tires and flatbed fenders.

The two biggest challenges on this phase of the build were the front fender flares and the new fuel filler/tank setup. Since no one makes front flares to fit the 08 F550 the folks at Earthroamer had to design their own. The air box placement on that model year really made it tricky. The ER flares worked out nicely once enough trimming was done.

The TransferFlow tank went in smoothly. The fuel filler wasn't so easy. The guys had to hard pipe it into the flatbed headache rack then bend it around the frame rails and back into the tank. The end result is a slick setup that will allow me to use the high speed fillers.

I'll post more pictures when I get back. Need to go finish packing. Thanks to all the ExPo clan for the ideas and encouragement. Cheers.

Camper on taller legs
camper on taller jacks.jpg
flatbed and spare
flatbed with spare.jpg
spare setup with winch
spare setup with winch.jpg
Fast Guns moved
Fast Guns on the outside.jpg
side box rough opening
side box framing.jpg
side view
side view.jpg
front fenders
front fenders.jpg
glamor shot for the road
glamor shot.jpg
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Supporting Sponsor
enjoy the trip- we were just crossing into Canada on the same trip back on the infamous 9-11. Very memorable for so many reasons- great trip!! Enjoy!!

Capt Eddie

Bob; Can you post just one picture of your truck being used to its full off road ability. I am trying to tell the wife that we need to do the same thing to our F 450. She ask where yours can go that ours can't. I know the differance, but she needs convincing. She said yours is now even taller and will stop you from going under alot of limbs. She does understand the sand off roading problem. She said we wouldn't go in the sand then. Please help with this problem. How did your justify to your other half??

Hill Bill E.

Oath Keeper
Awsome build!!! I live in Duluth, MN, right on the North Shore of Lake Superior.

Hit me up if you need anything while on this leg of your trip!

I'll PM you my #


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