Father's Day Contingent 2007


ExPo Original
June 15 - 17, 2007

The skinny -
  • 6 vehicles
  • 6 Dads
  • 6 kids
  • 4 dogs
  • 3 towns
  • 2 trailers
  • 2 stitches
  • 1 Mom
  • 1 Jeep
Why you should wish you were there......

The plan, (the second plan actually) was to meet in Colorado and poke around the San Juan Mountains. Places on the itinerary included Ouray, Yankee Boy Basin and Cinnamon Pass and we would come from Utah, Arizona and Wyoming to see them. It was a celebratory weekend for dear old Dad, with our friends and our children along for the ride.

This is what brought me to Colorado.

The next generation......

The attendees were rewarded with Colorado's finest scenery, idyllic weather and good company. The Dads had different rigs to oogle and time to debate the merits off various adventure equipment. It was a little like Heaven. The kids provided us with both, moments of fun and opportunities to practice patience. But I do believe every man, woman, child and dog on this trip had their best Father's Day yet.

How often can you say that?

Gathered here by chance......

But it concluded with it's share of blood, sweat and tears.

One child went down, hard, but went to the Doc, got stitched up and then made his Dad bring him back in time for the campfire. Tough kid. One responsible adult got a sliced finger while picking up broken glass from a previous tenant in our campsite. I saw men tear into a starter and do a complete rebuild, sweating under the hot sun in an alpine valley at 11,000 ft. I heard a few kids cry, but you know what? It's not nearly as obnoxious to hear a child cry in the woods, as it is in a restaurant.

It was all about them this weekend anyway.

Half a handful.......

Of course I understand not everyone comes here to read the articles, so I will get on with the photos. But I must give an e-salute to my fellow journeymen and fathers. You gentlemen make it look easy.

And most important of all, the boy who made me a Father, the love of my life and the best son I could ever hope to have, Riley. What a wonderful experience it is, being your Father. It will always be my greatest adventure.

We'll see you next year -



Explorer, Overland Certified OC0020
Awesome, well I know where I want to be next Fathers Day. Thanks for the pictures and the summary.


Expedition Leader
Great pics KC, and nice littel quips about your adventure. Thanks for sharing, and lets hear from everybody else that was there.


It was a fantastic weekend and my thanks goes out to all who attended. I'll have my pictures and more narrative to post this evening but today I must actually work (boss is in town...)


2005, 2006 Tech Course Champion: Expedition Trophy
I would love to have a little kid to share overlanding with...
Guess I'll have to wait until I'm a Grandpa!



DaktariEd said:
I would love to have a little kid to share overlanding with...
Guess I'll have to wait until I'm a Grandpa!


I could probably work out a rental situation... You want a boy or a girl?


The next generation....a bunch of fine young men.

The stitches...

Worth the price of admission...

The contigent, less Pedro...where did that starter rebuilding superhero disappear to?

And a few of why you go with or without kids.




Thanks for having me along guys. If you keep inviting me I'll always make sure there is plenty of cobbler.:chowtime:


Expedition Leader
kcowyo said:
The plan, (the second plan actually) was to meet in Colorado and poke around the San Juan Mountains. Places on the itinerary included Ouray, Yankee Boy Basin and Cinnamon Pass and we would come from Utah, Arizona and Wyoming to see them. It was a celebratory weekend for dear old Dad, with our friends and our children along for the ride.

What the??? If I had known that the venue changed I would have been there! Was Yankee blooming yet?

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