Father's Day Contingent 2007


After reading over this thread it seems we are failing to mention exactly how valuable Hailey (Wilman's Wife) was on this trip. Not only did she jump to action when Clay split his head open but she provided a much needed watchful mothers eye over our hooligans as the men folk were having a testosterone contest over by KC's truck. Her credentials also included tolerating a wicked cold night with inadequate cold weather gear (shame on Nick) with nary a complaint.

I'm not sure what the required criteria are but I nominate Hailey for "Uber Super Cool Chic" status.:)

And how could I forget to mention Mckenzie, the 10 month old beauty that all the adventure boys will be pursuing before we know it. During the days I never saw an expression other than a smile. Sure, she whined a little at night but so did Pskhaat and we still invite him every time...


good stuff!:)

durango_60 said:
After reading over this thread it seems we are failing to mention exactly how valuable Hailey (Wilman's Wife) was on this trip. Not only did she jump to action when Clay split his head open but she provided a much needed watchful mothers eye over our hooligans as the men folk were having a testosterone contest over by KC's truck. Her credentials also included tolerating a wicked cold night with inadequate cold weather gear (shame on Nick) with nary a complaint.

I'm not sure what the required criteria are but I nominate Hailey for "Uber Super Cool Chic" status.:)

And how could I forget to mention Mckenzie, the 10 month old beauty that all the adventure boys will be pursuing before we know it. During the days I never saw an expression other than a smile. Sure, she whined a little at night but so did Pskhaat and we still invite him every time...


Active member
durango_60 said:
After reading over this thread it seems we are failing to mention exactly how valuable Hailey (Wilman's Wife) was on this trip. Not only did she jump to action when Clay split his head open but she provided a much needed watchful mothers eye over our hooligans as the men folk were having a testosterone contest over by KC's truck. Her credentials also included tolerating a wicked cold night with inadequate cold weather gear (shame on Nick) with nary a complaint.

I'm not sure what the required criteria are but I nominate Hailey for "Uber Super Cool Chic" status.:)

And how could I forget to mention Mckenzie, the 10 month old beauty that all the adventure boys will be pursuing before we know it. During the days I never saw an expression other than a smile. Sure, she whined a little at night but so did Pskhaat and we still invite him every time...

Thanks man! This whole trip kept everyone laughing (except for clay's stitches)! I had my wife read this and it put a smile on her face. Makinzie's lobster look has faded. They both had a lot of fun and would come again in a heartbeat! With the proper cold night equipment :) My wife thanks you again for the heater and for the thermarest kc!:)


New member

What fun. Why did I give up driving mtn. passes for this work stuff?

Thanks all, Great Fun. Pleasure meeting some and seeing others again.



kcowyo said:
When we get to the spot where I'm to turn around and prepare to be towed downhill, I put it in park. For kicks & giggles I try to turn it over one last time. VROOM!!

That story is an instant classic! I can tell you right now, that if I had been the kid in that passenger seat and my dad was in the driver seat, I would have NEVER let him live that down. By NEVER I mean I would bring it up any chance I got. :jump:


Spamicus Eliminatus
Dave said:
That story is an instant classic! I can tell you right now, that if I had been the kid in that passenger seat and my dad was in the driver seat, I would have NEVER let him live that down. By NEVER I mean I would bring it up any chance I got. :jump:

Aint that the truth...

My dad still can't live down the "last" time we went deer hunting together. I was about 12. Two bucks about 50 yards away. He missed. Twice. I probably could have taken them with a slingshot they were so close.

Maybe that's why he never asked me to go hunting again until recently... :shakin:


durango_60 said:
After reading over this thread it seems we are failing to mention exactly how valuable Hailey (Wilman's Wife) was on this trip. Not only did she jump to action when Clay split his head open...
Yes, I never got a chance to really thank Hailey for her expertise. Peter too, that guy can fix more than just starters :Mechanic: , he's also a wiz with the steri-strips.


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
durango_60 said:
I can only imagine what would have happened if we had a Rover in the group...

stevenmd said:
Ahem... guess I'll have to go next year...

Funny, in our act of making your Jeep have the proper chrome accessories that any Jeep should have, we felt that if you brought too much class to the Jeep world, you may want to look like a Rover, but we completely forgot our oil drain pan and cheesecake. We did consider however opening the hood and clipping wires at random to simulate the Lucas conditions. :Mechanic:

I am quite relieved though that no-one took a picture of the wire-nut ignition fix on the T100 :REOutArchery02:


Expedition Leader
Oh yes, Lucas... I have to keep having kids just to sacrifice my firstborn every now and then...


Guys, this is a classic ExPo thread. Well done!

KC, I (like everyone else) will never let you forget about that incident, even though I wasn't there :)

I love the pics of all of the people, fathers and sons, moms and daughters.

I have had the pleasure of camping up in Yankee Boy with Jonathan and Peter, so can somewhat relate to the scene. Thanks to those guys for showing me the place, as I intend to take my wife there so she can see it too. It shouldn't be missed.

Congrats to all of you for 1. being fathers 2. taking the initiative to meet up and share some time together in the great outdoors 3. sharing such a great trip report.


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