Father's Day Contingent 2007


Active member
What a great trip!!!! A big thanks to Durango_60, kcowyo, durangodds, Pskhaat, and FJ803FE for a great trip!!!!

Here's some highlights!!!:

The water rocket by durangodds!!! Boy did that boy go high!! Thanks for the awesome cobbler!!!


Here's a picture of break down hill.....lol That's for you KC...Its ok...we still love you man!!!...something about Jeep juice we think???


My little one having fun while on break down hill....lol


Night one camp site.....very pretty by the river!!!


Durango_60 just about didn't make it in his JEEP....lol...Just about had to get the strap out....lol....J/K


Here's the "Wookie" King! When he came on the CB he sounded like a wookie off of Star Wars.







10 Random Thoughts from Fathers Day Weekend 2007

1. Dutch Ovens and Mormon Fathers are a great combination!!! (yea, yea, not very pc:oops: )

2. Yota guys really think Jeeps need more chrome

3. Always make sure your vehicle is in Park before you let a Jensen near it


4. Jensen brothers can repair pretty much anything that isn't broken


5. Always bring a complete first aid kit, a RN, and a Doctor(or Dentist)


6. These guys have some really lucky kids
7. I never should have sold my FJ60


8. I really love my new Jeep


9. I live in a really cool place


10. Being your 5 year old sons hero is the greatest feeling you could imagine


Tucson T4R

Expedition Leader
Really nice trip coverage and pics. Nice country I have a need to come explore someday.

Hold on to those "hero years" They tend to shift a tad when the sons reach 19.:sport_box :elkgrin:

You can't build a better foundation for the future than shared experiences like this. Well done.:smiley_drive:


Tucson T4R said:
Really nice trip coverage and pics. Nice country I have a need to come explore someday.

Hold on to those "hero years" They tend to shift a tad when the sons reach 19.:sport_box :elkgrin:

You can't build a better foundation for the future than shared experiences like this. Well done.:smiley_drive:

As a 20 yr old, I have to disagree. I'm a Mchanical Engineering Student in the process of building my '01 WJ (3" lift and homebrew sliders 2 wks ago). I got my love for 4x4 from Mom and ex-bf from growing up in the back of his CJ-5, but Dad tolerates, supports, and advises as much as possible. Now that I'm done w/ the lift, for Father's day, I took him wheeling in the local mountains. I'm not sure I could have done anything better to show him what I've learned and what I'm capable of because of his teachings.


ExPo Original
durango_60 said:
1. Dutch Ovens and Mormon Fathers are a great combination!!! (yea, yea, not very pc:oops: )
Unfortunately my flash fritzed on a photo of Ryan's camp kitchen with the Peach Cobbler, but I did catch Nic preparing his excellent Mountain Man Brunch -


durango_60 said:
2. Yota guys really think Jeeps need more chrome
:iagree: Shiney.....


Ursidae69 said:
So, who is going to expand on that little gem? :peepwall:
Alright, alright......Time to fess up....

So on our first afternoon following a lunch break, my truck wouldn't turn over as the others were headed back down out of Yankee Boy Basin. I got Scott's attention before he was out of range and we tried to jump start me. No go. Now the others are coming back.

Like a live version of "King of the Hill", we stood around with the hood up debating likely problems. I had just picked up the truck from the shop the afternoon before we left, and after having it serviced from front to back and paying an enormous bill, I was slightly annoyed.

Possible scenarios discussed were a faulty starter, vapor lock, electrical problems, ignition problems, and Y2K. Not even my new Scangauge tool could come up with a trouble code so WTH? Turns out it was an OE (Operator Error) problem but I'm getting ahead of myself.

So Scott (pskhaat) and his brother Peter (FJ803FE) pulled the starter, cleaned the contact points and plunger and reassembled it after a little trial and error. No go. About this time Ryan's (durangodds) son Clay, takes a header on the loose shale and opens up a gash over his eye that would have made Rocky Balboa proud (...cut me Mick. Cut me....). I'm feeling really good about myself about then....

Now most of the boys and dogs are running around, playing with the water bottle rocket launcher and they're doing fine. Nic's (Willman) baby girl and wife are getting their first alpine sunburn, Jonathan (durango_60) is enjoying the irony of a Toyota experiencing technical difficulties while his Jeep is itching for more trails. And all I can think of is the enormous maintenance bill I just paid, that my truck has never left me stuck even once and how I'll never hear the end of this.

After 4+ hours of checking voltage, fuses, wiring, starters, etc. Willman donates a front tow hook as we decide to tow me off the mountain. One vehicle in front to lead me, one in the rear to assist with braking. I send my son down the mountain in the Jeep, so he doesn't have to witness this debacle or my death should one of the tow straps fail. I'm to roll back downhill 50 yards, where I'll get turned around to go downhill, with pskhaat hooked to my front and his brother in back. We hear some clicking noises from under the hood as I begin to roll backwards when I realize I hadn't put the tranny in neutral, so I shift into neutral.

Wait a minute.

When we get to the spot where I'm to turn around and prepare to be towed downhill, I put it in park. For kicks & giggles I try to turn it over one last time. VROOM!! Uh, yeah.... The look on pskhaat's face and his brother, who had just spent the last several hours sweating over this thing was perfect. Turns out yours truly, when I stopped for lunch, shifted into park, pulled the e-brake and chocked the wheel. However apparently the tranny didn't properly seat into Park. It had gotten bound up somehow. In all my attempts at starting it that afternoon, I never giggled the shifter but it got hung between Reverse and Park. Oh, the shame....:eek:

So Ryan's son has a gaping head wound, Nic's baby looks like a angelic lobster, the Jeep guy is getting more smug by the moment and I'm the winner of the first annual Father's Day Weekend Biggest Boob award because I didn't put my truck properly in Park.

Humble pie never tasted so awful.....:oops:
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Fantastic description as always KC. I only wish I had not been eating an apple while I read it because I need to clean my screen now.


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
KC shines again. My bursts of laughter got the cube mates to bob their heads in office space style.


kcowyo said:


It appears that the yota guys are quite nervous that my build is going to bring class to the Jeep world. In an act of desparation they resorted to vandalism in the middle of the night to maintain the image they covet so much, I can only imagine what would have happened if we had a Rover in the group...


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
kcowyo said:
I'm the winner of the first annual Father's Day Weekend Biggest Boob award

KC, I eagerly await pictures of the T100 magnetic award you received.


ExPo Original
durango_60 said:
In an act of desparation they resorted to vandalism in the middle of the night to maintain the image they covet so much...

Actually it was mid-morning but hey, at least you got some rest on this trip. :shakin:

I will say the best way to take the heat off yourself after an unnecessary multi-hour trailside repair, is to bring a Jeep guy among some diehard Yota-nuts. I got off pretty easy....

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