Fathers' Day Gathering 2009 (pictures and stories)


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion

Eureka! No, Maggie Gulch. Colorado. Back to the San Jaun's for this year, and there is no better time of year than June in Colorado.

A few stories will unfold here; some will not; others are best left told to the river water adjacent to camp to which we slept soundly each night. Who knows, maybe the ghosts of Animas Forks kept a keen and protective eye on us.


Our trusty FZJ80 yet again took the 5 of us + aged dog without issue or failure to some of the best country and altitude the States have to offer.

Some lessons learned this trip:

  • Keeping your daylight headlights on can prevent getting stuck in snow,
  • A bowl of eggs does not adhere to inclined trailer lids,
  • Elk is good any time of day,
  • Sliding down muddy hills on your bum is good fun that can last for days,
  • The age old question is still unanswered: What is more painfully slow on the highway: a Range Rover or a Land Cruiser?
  • Glow sticks cure all forms of crying.
Look forward to hearing more. :costumed-smiley-007
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Snow on Fathers Day weekend. I so, so, so wish I could have that experience here.

Heck of a teaser first post. PLEASE share more pics....and story too.

Waiting! :lurk:


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
Looks cold!

Snow on Fathers Day weekend...

In years past I would have had a foul mood about such summer weather. However, doing the requisite number of years in the desert I now appreciate snow with the full garb of flip flops and shorts.

There was snow; flakes the size of your tongue.


Plus, it is really hard to argue with trails and views like this:

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Perpetual Transient
:O That is an amazing shot! Nice Scott. These slow to build suspense/trip report threads are killing me! haha


Needs to get out more
The general 'litmus test' for any trip seems to be the standard, "Did you have fun?"

Hell yes we had fun. I love Ouray. Sliverton, Rigby, and everything around the San Juans greets you with jaw-dropping scenery, over-stimulating my frazzled mind.

Pictures to come.


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
Were many roads open?

Yes and no. A little story. A lurker here on ExPo happens to be one of the top drivers many of us know. Why that is remains a mystery; a vortex in the dirt-time continuum. He owns and operates a very mild, bare-bones FJ80 for which he has purchased several sets of top-secret anti-gravity MTRs that makes said FJ80 go wild. That and a heavy dose of disregard for property and limb often give him advantages over us on most if not all trails.

It is a pleasure that I get to announce that I--yes I--received the opportunity to winch-recover him from a path more snowy than his FJ80 could handle. This you must understand is an honorable badge worthy of bragging rights.


Our resulting wet feet and cold hands were no match however for the sugar roasting over the fire at camp later. Not having a fridge of my own, the dam my kids built the day before served as a quintessential beer cooler.



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