For me, and my life; the Leatherman wave. They hold up well, and take a lot of abuse.
I am enjoying this thread to see all the swiss army variations however.
Along with whichever one of the Victorinox swiss army knives I listed above, I carry a Leatherman Rebar. Between the two, I have what I need.
I wouldn't mind an OG Leatherman Wave. I hate bits that can drop out or get lost. I have an OG Surge that handles everything. Great scissors, great saw, great plyers, beefy. I could carry that alone and be all set, though it's awfully heavy on the waist, so I leave that for the truck center console or the pack.
Back to swiss army. Victorinox, I have an old 111 mm Rucksack with side slide lock which is cool. 2 hand open, though, not like my newer Forester. I don't often seem to carry them though.
One that I keep in a box in another box is the Bayern/Bavarian- scales Spartan Mrs. Beagle got for me while she was on a river cruise down the Danube a few years ago: