field knives


SE Expedition Society
I wanted to post a couple pics of what I believe to be the perfect knife. Not because it looks cool, because it gets used.



Expedition Leader
So I am thinking about finally getting "the knife". Over the years I have had alot of blades but I am ready to invest in a nice custom made knife to take me through the 2nd half of my life. I think I have decided on a Dan Foster Nessmuk interpretation. Blade will be 1/8"+ CPM 3V steel with a full scandi grind. I am planning a cocobolo wood handle for a little class. I think this knife will be a great all purpose carry and wilderness knife. Secretly I would love to own a "Monster Nessy" which is a full 1/4" blade thickness and longer for serious heavy camp use but realistically I would probably never use it.

Specs on the standard nessmuk
Specs: 9.5" overall
5.25" blade
4.25" handle

First link shows a pick of what it would look like. Second pic goes to his page for the Nesmuk knives he makes.

Cocobolo nessmuk
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After so many bad fabric knives, I have decide to make some for me
After years, I ` m a hand made knives maker
I use D2 – K110 steel from Bohler (Austria), and metallurgic powder K190


Bush / Camping knives

After taking a couple of courses from Mors Kochanski on survival in the North American Taiga (basically anywhere in the Cascades and Rockies right up to the Arctic Ocean) I used one of these (mid-sized, 4" blade) as well as a small of same (2.5" blade) for many years. Under $20 and with relative ease could shave/cut through 6" tree


Now have one of these which is even better...



Daily carry CRKT point guard or CRKT M16:



Leatherman SKeletool resides in my truck at all times


And a plethora of others when I am hunting, camping. etc.


SO UK, I take it from your description that you got one of the Gerber/Fiskars "brush clearing" machete's??? It's got the long handle and the curved balde? One of these guy's:


If so, I think you'll soon agree it's one fo the best trail clearing devices ever. Having used alot of machete's I find this thing to be the absolute best there is. I love mine and I think I;m getting a second one to be hard mounted in my truck.


I ride one of those zip-tied to the fork leg of my dirt bike when we're clearing trails each spring. Best all-around trail-clearing tool I've ever used. I've also got one of Gerber's machetes, and don't find it nearly as useful. I've been wanting to try one of those bolo knives. I haven't read through this whole thread, but it seems like that little bit of recurve in the blade and the angle of the blade (relative to the handle) would make it a really effective tool. Anybody using one?

I've had lots of nice knives over the years, but I stopped buying them because I kept losing them. These days I just carry a CRKT M16T with a partially-serrated blade. Nice enough, and not too expensive. The other knife in that category that I really like is CRKT's ABC dive knife. I was looking for a lightweight fixed-blade knife that I could keep in my dirt bike backpack and this fits the bill perfectly. The chisel-tip is an awesome.
Rat Cutlery For the WIN! they are 100% american made and have a 100% replacement policy. If you break the tip prying bricks out of your driveway they will still replace it. I had my kydex sheath get jacked in the dishwasher and they replaced that too.


As a knife collector I have way too many. These are most of my common carries:


Left to right: Spydero Pacific Salt PE in H1, 3" drop point hunter fixed blade in ATS34 and G10 scales from Australian maker John Foxwell (probably my favourite of all knives), Strider SMF and Fiskars hatchet.

I commonly also carry and use a SAK Huntsman, Skeletool CX and an old ex army machete which is a close runner up for my all time favourite. I've had it for near enough to 30 years old so who knows how old it is. Pic was just after I'd refurbished it replacing the crumbling bakalite handle with wood and a fresh coat of paint on the blade to help keeping rust away (not as messy as oiling).


Many many more but that's the main ones I regularly use.
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Expedition Leader
medium buck folder for the past 15 or so years. every day carry. Can't beat it. I wear it in a cordura sheath (wore out the leather one)

holds a great edge
solid lockup after more than a decade of hard use
good looks(not scary for non-knifers)
butt is brass and is perfect for hammering, which I use it for often.
don't get me wrong, I love CRKT, benchmade, etc. but I just can't
seem to top the satisfaction, good looks, and brute strength/comfort of the buck.


Been thinking of getting it etched or engraved, actually. Not sure yet what I'd put.
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A friend of mine makes these knives and I am fortunate to have three of them. These were just quick happy snaps for the site.

This is a trout and bird knife with buffalo horn scales and no bolsters.


The bolsters on this knife are made of the same damascus as the blade. The scales are buffalo horn.


This damascus knife has bone scales and nickel silver bolsters.


Of course I like all of these knives, but my favorite is the drop point trout and bird knife at the top. It feels good in the hand and I really like the damascus pattern. The photo doesn't show the file-work on the back of the blade. Someday I should set up and shoot proper photos of these.


Expedition Leader
I've owned a lot of knives through the years including many that were more for coolness factor or even show but the one I've found I use regularly is my Leatherman Blast which came with a flashlight and a sheath to accommodate both.


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