Fire Extinguishers Inquiry.


I am wanting to know what the community thinks about the storage
of them, and the use and abuse of them on the off road trailers. Horror
stories welcomed..


Expedition Leader
Take it out and shake it ever month or two. Keeps the powder from packing in the bottom. I have one in truck not on the trader for me. Might add one tho.


two small ones in the front of the vehicle, one large one in the back of the vehicle and one large one in the trailer...... you can never have too many


Do you think they are okay to leave outside in cold weather? I have one I was going to mount on the outside fornt of the trailer, but
I am thinking the constant exposure to the elements may not be kind to it. Any thoughts?


Expedition Leader
They make hoods you can slip over them, but I would try to mount it where it wouldn't be getting road spray all the time.


One of the basic things people forget to do with extinguishers. Sucks when you go to use it and all the powder is caked at the bottom. I tap them with a rubber mallet every other month or so. I don't think cold will really have an effect on it. We see exterior mounted extinguishers on buildings all the time.


Other then making sure its maintained make sure its securly mounted. You don't want it falling out or even knocking the top off it

One thing I do suggest is keep one or two handy. I most likely would have lost our Jeep to a small fire under the dash a few years back


One of the basic things people forget to do with extinguishers. Sucks when you go to use it and all the powder is caked at the bottom. I tap them with a rubber mallet every other month or so. I don't think cold will really have an effect on it. We see exterior mounted extinguishers on buildings all the time.

Sounds like a good idea. So shaking it up once a month is pretty simple PM ( Preventative Maintenance)!


I have two 2lb in my truck and plan on a 5lb-10lb in the trailer. Important that you get a vehicle mount bracket and not just the hanging bracket that comes with most of the shelf extinguishers. The ones in the vehicle should be for vehicles/RV's and the trailer one can be a standard ABC extinguisher but still think the vehicle RV would be the best bet. I am trying to remember the name but there is another one that doesnt leave the messy powder residue made for vehicles but are more expensive. Also make sure that you get one with a gauge to check status and have fires station check annually.

I can tell you that there have been more than a few cases on some of my military convoys of guys not putting the extinguishers in the bracket properly and having it roll around and knock the top off. They make quite the mess and is a real pain to clean up.


The Credible Hulk
there is another one that doesnt leave the messy powder residue made for vehicles but are more expensive

Coldfire and Tundra are excellent extinguishers, but are mostly water and should not be stored below 32F.


Expedition Leader
Horror stories welcomed..

I was on a trail ride with a stock TJ one fall. We were doing two track thru a large section of hardwoods. A bunch or dry leaves waded up around the exhaust/skidplate/cat area and caught fire. The jeep was so low that it was difficult to get at the fire. We used 3 fire extinguishers to put it out, and saved the jeep. It still ran but had a engine code. I'm guessing he melted off an O2 sensor. The guy never came back.


Ok here is mine........

Years of leaves that backed up between the cowl and heater core finally made it way to the heater core


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