Fire Extinguishers


not sure if that is what is inside, i will check. but like you said, its the last of my worries, as long as the ifre is put out electricals can be replaced. and my truck is so basic that a couple of wires and some breakers and i am good to go.
its the other guys truck that may be an issue if my extinguisher is being used and in that case, well, its not my truck, lol.

I used a different abc a couple of years ago on my truck (fire caused by electrical short) and any bare metal that was exposed rusted within two days. and all the ends of my wires hit by the extinguisher started to corrode and oxidize.

THAT sounds like a PKP.

Even CO2 has Sodium BiCarbonate.

PKP works REALLY good on liquid fires.... Class B.... grease, oil, fuels etc.

Anyway, when it comes to saving life and limb, regardless what you have, if it works, it works... something is better than nothing....



I want to carry one but if I have it ous side the cab I don't want it to get stolen. And inside the cab becomes 120F in a hurry in the summer. Any issues with leaving one in side a car in 100+ degree temps?

Street Wolf

I want to carry one but if I have it ous side the cab I don't want it to get stolen. And inside the cab becomes 120F in a hurry in the summer. Any issues with leaving one in side a car in 100+ degree temps?

Nope, it'll be fine.



Ok, I'm tuning into this thread now. I usually throw a little one (don't know the size. Maybe 2.5 lb?) in the truck. Yesterday, I was exploring some land south of Tucson with 4 vehicles. Nothing real serious, so I didn't even think to grab it.

Later that day a friend’s 2nd Gen 4Runner had an electrical fire while going down a steep mining road. Fortunately, the culprit wires burnt through before the whole truck could go up. It was coming back on a dead-end trail and would have blocked two of us on it until the fire would've burnt out. Not fun in the 100 degree plus temps and a lightning storm that came through later that day.

Made for an interesting 30 mile recovery... sorry no pictures. Lesson learned. Looking at a new permanent setup to mount. It was an eye opening weekend for me.


Don't worry about it getting to hot. I've never had a problem with extinguishers due to heat. This is the photo of the rig that prompted me to upgrade and install my extinguishers. I like my rig to much to have this happen.


My passenger usually drives her own Jeep!:coffeedrink: We test fitted it and I got her approval first! Where it sits it's out of the way.

Mc Taco

American Adventurist
My passenger usually drives her own Jeep!:coffeedrink: We test fitted it and I got her approval first! Where it sits it's out of the way.

I figured there was some planing/testing. How is the strap attached to the floorboard/transmission hump?
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As sun my Dodge burn out , as one fire extinguisher what i have simple do not work :Wow1: , sense that moment i care two 10 pounds in my Tahoe .
Other thing you newer know why will need your help in road :smiley_drive:


I figured there was some planing/testing. How is the strap attached to the floorboard/transmission hump?

That is actually a very wide and tight velcro strap from an old knee brace. Two self tappers and two fender washers trough the carpet and into the trans hump hold it in place.


New member
Two 2.5# units in my wifes Burb. One under the driver seat, one in the back cargo compartment.

Same in my Burb except the front one is mounted on the center console, and then I have a 10# in the back as well in the spare tire well.

One in the van mounted on the back passenger wall next to the first aid kit and tire iron box.

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