Nowadays virtually all VOMs are digital, thus now called DMMs (Digital Multi-Meter). If you look in your junk-mail and/or newspaper inserts (magazines too), you might even find a coupon good for a FREE one at Harbor Freight Tools that would work well for this.
Your antenna appears to be a Francis of some sort. If that is the 5½-foot long one, don't get rid of it for ANYTHING!! (well, unless it's determined to be defective, though that's not a likely scenario) That is one of the best (most practical) antennas you can get that isn't overly large & heavy, yet still performs well (has good range). There is also a 4½' Francis that is also decent, though the shorter length does give up a little bit of performance over the 5½' one. Do tape up the top couple inches of it with some layers of electrical tape as a preventative measure against the tip splitting if it hits anything though (especially if the little vinyl protective cap goes missing).
As for your radio problem, I agree with what's already been said, check your cable and connections. The antenna mounted on your rack should be OK, but make sure the mount is making good contact with your rack, as that is where it needs to achieve it's ground connection for it to work properly (scrape the paint off from under the mount bracket if needed).