First trailer - make over of existing - Thoughts?


As far as how long and wide the box is think about it from how much your going to fill it with. Will your packable bins fit stacked or fit side by side? What is the longest or tallest thing your going to pack. I'm not sure there is much to worry about between 10-12ft in length.

As far as width I will say I like wheels outside the box so I have platforms to put things and steps to adjust and get to the roof top tent to pack away and open up.

Tire carrier depends on if your going to have a tongue box for power or water in my opinion. But for the rear will you have a swing out or fold down door? What about thr top of the box? Something to think about my trailer is totally locked so I have my spare inside.

Hope that's helps or at least gives you something to think about.

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Hi Magoo. I think it's a good thing you are trying to resolve everything before you start. Don't just follow what others have done but try to work out exactly what you want to carry and how you will use it all, then let the trailer develop according to that. There are no doubt "standards" that have developed for good reason, but you don't HAVE to live to that.

With that in mind and considering just how much you are looking to modify the existing trailer, I'd say don't. Just sell it and use that money to buy some more suitable steel and start from scratch. The frame on the existing looks like angle and you'd be better off with tubing. Seems crazy to put so much thought into something and then let an old item determine how you make it. Sorry if that's not what you want to hear, just my thoughts. I think you'll end up with a better end result doing exactly what you want for the same, if not less, work. At least you won't spend the time cutting down the existing before making it what you want.

Hope that assists, Indie.


New member
Actually, the existing trailer is made out of all tube steel.

In regards to the rear door, I had in mind to have it as a drop down tail gate. This way you can have a "table" area if needed.

I think that I will make the box 5'-6" long and 5'-0" wide. for outside dimensions. This will keep the box on the inside of the wheels and if I remember correctly the fenders are 10.5" wide which should be wide enough.

I think I will make the box 24" tall clear. I think I can make it a clear dimension by having the edge of the lid have a "lip" that comes down around the edge and the frame set on top of the box frame at 24".

Just need to decide on spare tire location. I could mount it up front close to the end of the "platform area" and leave enough space behind it to either mount water/fuel can holders or just a flat area with tie downs for a ice chest. The find a couple of small tool boxes that can mount on top of the fenders. This option would be in lieu of having a trailer tongue box up front. Either way, I would like to retain space in front of the box to set an ice chest.

I think with making the box 5'-6" long and estimating fenders to take up 36", I can work it to where I can mount 1 fuel/water can on either side of the box.

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To be honest in my build I just designed as a went tacked everything looked and decided if I like it or it looked proporatial. Just like writing papers in college I just planned as I went. Of course I had a design but I found trying to stick with dimensions and boundaries I set before the build often drove me nuts trying to stick within those bounds. I found that the fun part of fabrication is the ability to adapt on the fly.

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