Fly Fishing School


Expedition Leader
If there is a fellow named Mason in that group-tell him I said hello and hook up with one of his Saturday trips-you'll learn a lot from him-I sure did.

It is probably very incorrect and silly but when I lived there the FFF guys seemed to do a lot more fishing than the guys in the TU club-they also had much better equipment than we did. I was pres of the club way back in 97 (I think).

Some other favs in the area are the North and South Mills-just south of Asheville, Catalooche Creek in the GSMNF, Yellowstone Creek that is right on the parkway above the Davidson (did I already mention the Davidson?) South Toe river right along the base of Mt Mitchel and too many I'm forgetting. Don't overlook the numerous neighborhood ponds and lakes in town-some big bass and crappie in there. I caught a shell cracker the size of my head out of the lake between Dunwoody Oaks and Lake Lenox off Jonesville Rd in Simponville.

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