Please. zimm starts a thread about big brother watching, then shifts over to this thread and says no one is watching.
But he was right the first time - Big Brother is watching. If it's on the net, assume it's being recorded. Because it is.
And that was over a decade ago.
Also assume it's being analyzed. Because it is. Automatically.
So my point stands. If people have any secret hiding places, it would be stupid to post about it on the net.
And not just because Big Brother is watching. Crooks (well, other crooks besides Big Brother), use the net too.
But feel free to post all about your hiding places.
Me personally...I have no hiding places. That would be dishonest and honesty is always the best policy. After all George Washington admitted to chopping down the cherry tree and that got him elected as The Father Of Our Country because he was so honest.