For those that carry Guns and Overlanding

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For the record, as I stated, it matters not at all to me what choices you make. I'm simply curious about the thought process.

When you wrote:
On these occasions I make sure that it is very obvious that I have a loaded weapon holstered on my person. That is the point
Apologies for misinterpreting that as letting people approaching your campsite not from the road know that you are armed and dangerous. In the spirit of your initial post, what does adopting that posture say/scream to the world?

However, while we are on the topic of "I never said that".....where did you pull this whopper from?
So, you don’t see any difference between sporting a pistol at a remote camp site vs a place of business within city limits? Interesting.

To answer your direct question:
If you found yourself in that situation, do you think a warning shot might get rid of the wolf?
In my neck of the woods, wolves generally don't receive warning shots as a matter of principle.

You stated that you "feel" safer in town, yet you also said that you make your decisions based on personal experience. It seems like those two statements are at odds with each other with one relying on feelings and the other on direct experience. Does that mean that if your personal experience was such that you had endured some type of dangerous event in town (similar to your wolf story) that you might make different choices? A corollary to that might be - what kind of experience might you need to have before open carry screams something other than "I was picked on as a child"? Or maybe that's not even possible.


Viking with a Hammer
My only concern is taking out of the holster and putting it back. One of my rules is not to finger f#$% pistols. It stays on my belt, until it's ready to be put away for good.

Sometimes it stays on my belt over night. Pants, belt, holster, curled up on the floor like a firemans leather pants. (yeah ladies)


Hillbilly of Leisure
For the record, as I stated, it matters not at all to me what choices you make. I'm simply curious about the thought process.

When you wrote: Apologies for misinterpreting that as letting people approaching your campsite not from the road know that you are armed and dangerous. In the spirit of your initial post, what does adopting that posture say/scream to the world?

However, while we are on the topic of "I never said that".....where did you pull this whopper from?

To answer your direct question: In my neck of the woods, wolves generally don't receive warning shots as a matter of principle.

You stated that you "feel" safer in town, yet you also said that you make your decisions based on personal experience. It seems like those two statements are at odds with each other with one relying on feelings and the other on direct experience. Does that mean that if your personal experience was such that you had endured some type of dangerous event in town (similar to your wolf story) that you might make different choices? A corollary to that might be - what kind of experience might you need to have before open carry screams something other than "I was picked on as a child"? Or maybe that's not even possible.

Whatever wavedude. You win. The conversation between you and I has reached it’s conclusion.


??? Did I say something that angered you? It wasn’t my intention, I was (still am) curious about yours - and others- thought process on the topic.

Which I was to understand is the point of the OP.

<shoulder shrug>


you said that was your stop and you were getting off,why are you now trolling?personal experience was his basis for his decisions.we all get that.what part of that confuses you?


Trolling? Hardly. The part that confuses me is equating feelings with experience.

Who is the "we all" you are referring to?


Austere Medical Provider
Never know when your going to need a fire extinguisher, nobody is unhappy when you use it to put out a fire either.

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I often wonder if it would be easier to get robbed and/or take a beating vs discharging a weapon to protect yourself in the USA considering all the possible legal ramifications. Both options sound like something to be avoided. But what if you are in the position where you had to choose one or the other with no notice? Would you wish that you had a firearm and knew how to use it?

I lived in my truck for 13 years, camped mostly in the wilderness, sometimes out of the way places in or near town. I carried a .357 at first. Everybody thought I needed a gun. But after a month or so, I left it at a friend's house. I'm not going to greet everyone I see with a loaded gun in my hand, and realistically that's the only way it would be useful. My "secret weapon" was to just be kind and fearless with everyone I met. You can't fake that last part though...

If you are worried about wild animals, the same approach works. Whatever you do, don't act like food...


World Citizen
Never know when your going to need a fire extinguisher, nobody is unhappy when you use it to put out a fire either.

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I have always hated that argument (and similar ones with first aid kits, Recovery gear, etc). It’s a false equivalency...when you do a risk assessment for your trip, you have to consider the likelihood of a event taking place.

In other words, there is a much larger chance of needing a fire extinguisher (first aid kit, etc) than a firearm.

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Expedition Leader
'larger' chance. So you agree there is a chance of needing a firearm?
A firearm is a tool, just like that extinguisher. Or the spare S-belts, flat repair kit, jumper cables, first aid kit, mechanic's tools, hand-crank radio, lifeboat rations, water, TP, emergency blankets, Aux battery, etc that I carry in my Suburban.
I don't give a tinker's damn what criminals and psychotics and indoctrinators do or say about firearms. They have no bearing on how I choose to carry or use my firearms. Until they try to commit criminal acts / impose their will upon me.

The Wizard

In this case there was 100% chance of needing a firearm:

I have always hated that argument (and similar ones with first aid kits, Recovery gear, etc). It’s a false equivalency...when you do a risk assessment for your trip, you have to consider the likelihood of a event taking place.

In other words, there is a much larger chance of needing a fire extinguisher (first aid kit, etc) than a firearm.

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I can't believe this conversation is still going on.

If you are concerned about people with guns and you see my Jeep I might have a 9mm in my right front pocket but you will have to stick your hands in my pants to find out.
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