Expedition Leader
Lol....another one triggered
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Lol....another one triggered
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I can't believe this conversation is still going on.
I didn't read much of the thread. Too long. So forgive me if this has already been discussed.
I knew new bickering was about to come back to the thread when a new voice posts and others see a chance to disagree. This IS a good thread, lots of disagreements and arguments, when we can keep it civil.
Have a Great Thanksgiving week!
I carry. I accept the protection of myself and my family as my responsibility. I choose to use what I believe to be the best tool for me to do that job.
A few notes:
· Concealed carry permit holders are statistically more law-abiding than the police.
· People who are anti-gun still call for men with guns when there's a problem.
· Pro-gun people are liberty-minded. We think it's fine to be anti-gun, and wouldn't force anyone to own a gun.
· The anti-gun crowd, on the other hand, presumes that since they don't own guns, you shouldn't own guns either.
But I digress from the subject of this thread.... it’s kind of telling that the subject of if I should overland travel armed or not is really only relevant in North America and the US in particular. It’s not even on the radar anywhere else.
I carry. I accept the protection of myself and my family as my responsibility. I choose to use what I believe to be the best tool for me to do that job.
A few notes:
· Concealed carry permit holders are statistically more law-abiding than the police.
· People who are anti-gun still call for men with guns when there's a problem.
· Pro-gun people are liberty-minded. We think it's fine to be anti-gun, and wouldn't force anyone to own a gun.
· The anti-gun crowd, on the other hand, presumes that since they don't own guns, you shouldn't own guns either.
So, you don’t see any difference between sporting a pistol at a remote camp site vs a place of business within city limits? Interesting.
Also, never said that “armed and dangerous” was my intention. You said that.
I guess you are asking if I think I would be more likely to be forced to defend myself and/or my wife in a remote camp site or in the Verizon store. If that is the question, then the answer is that I feel safe in town.
We had a wolf within 20 feet of our camp fire this August. At dusk. Five miles from the highway. I think he was curious about our dog. If you found yourself in that situation, do you think a warning shot might get rid of the wolf? Would you rather have a gun at hand or go digging around in your rig while trying to hang on to your dog and calm your wife?
Personal experience is the basis on which I make my decisions.
it’s kind of telling that the subject of if I should overland travel armed or not is really only relevant in North America and the US in particular. It’s not even on the radar anywhere else.
So you have absolutely no issue of any kind if people carry?Well, I don’t want to get into it, so I’ll just say this little piece and be done with it.
I honestly think the bigger problem is the tendency to oversimplify the situation and try to peg everyone as either pro or anti gun. I think most folks are a bit of both.
I also believe that most gun owning Americans are responsible and reasonable folk.
But I digress from the subject of this thread.... it’s kind of telling that the subject of if I should overland travel armed or not is really only relevant in North America and the US in particular. It’s not even on the radar anywhere else.
Personally, I think everyone needs to do what they feel the most comfortable with. After all, it’s your trip....
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So you have absolutely no issue of any kind of people carry?