Oh its an issue lol. When you stay in your camper for weeks at a time in the winter with temperatures down to -30 C often, plus the in & out in snow conditions you bring in lots of moisture. I give up on keeping water stains off of the pop up from condensation. Having said that I do wipe it down with a a chamois if I see it starting to "bead". The floor is easy to deal with because its Rhino lined and again I wipe down the flour. Honestly the condensation issue is over rated in my opinion, these are small spaces so its pretty easy to wipe it down a few times a day and ring out the chamois. When I get back home I put an electric heater in the camper with the top up and crank the heat with the vents open and it usually dries out in 24 hours. Far as temperature wise the only issue I have had is a week of about 0 during the day and rained at one point then it went to -5 C in the evenings so it was wet! and lots of snow. In one day it wen't really cold and dropped down to about -30 C. I dropped the top before I left in AM knowing I was moving camp when I got out of the bush. Top was very hard to get back up due to the fabric was frozen Ended up having to fire up the furnace and warm it up for an hour to get the top up. So far as winter temps that was the only issue besides condensation.
Nice. I know even in my RTT if I ventilate it a bit, it'll still get that way and then freeze lol. I'll zip my annex on and run a Mr Heater and it seems to regulate it much better. I'd like to run a stove jack out the side of the annex with a Titanium wood stove running to keep it warm and dry. I really like the demonstrator flatbed that Phoenix has. I'd like something like that or a hard sided Turtle type rig. Earthroamer would be nice but that is a bit much lol