Expedition Leader
So, what next? Trailer? Another RTT?
Dave, We just roll with a Big Agnes Lynx Pass 4. No more weight on the roof except for the rack and I am contemplating letting it go as well.
:sunflowerYep, def just read all 51 pages.... Wow! What a great thread and thanks so much for sharing, Louis. I'm set to pick up my new-to-me '04 DiscoII this weekend and your pics and info have helped me tremendously already. I absolutely love it that your whole adorable little family is on board for the adventures... Keep having fun!
Maude, Thank you very much. Please post up your DII when you get it. Feel free to post them here as well.
ok, so it seems this is where all the AZ Rover owners can be found. Anybody willing to spend some time drinking a beer and maybe being a second hand turn a wrench to help a brother do some much needed maintainance on my D1? Looking to do some wheeling with a local crew as well after I get my truck back to health, but I honestly don't feel confident doing it solo. Have/get parts, will travel. Bunch of nice looking trucks out there....I'll post my truck pic once I get home.
Brian, PM me if I can give you a hand. I work part time go to school and entertain a 2 yr old when I'm not studying or having family time. If I can help I will be more than happy to