Four Wheel Camper - A Review


My Welcome to all of you...

I know most of us shoot digital now, but I can't believe no one has commented on the perfect irony of this photo:


My name is Dan, I am a professional photographer based out of the high country in Colorado. Even though I have shot digital for over 15 years, I shoot more and more film every year.

For starters, in 2004, I created the "Kodachrome Project":

Point blank: Digital has nothing on this film, so I love the irony within the irony in terms of the quote above.

Looks like you have a good time out there "KCOWYO".

Now for the other business:

After a few days of spec-checking, talking to my bank, talking to Mr. Dykinga and reading forums, I have decided to put an order in for an Eagle for my 05 Tacoma. Last year, I put a TRD supercharger, URD pulley, fuel management system, exhaust and a built suspension including Icon reservoir shocks in the back, 2.5 coil overs in the front with Icon upper A arms. I am building an expedition level vehicle as it would seem...

The main reason for this is to save the tens of thousands of dollars in lodging I would otherwise spend as I will be on the road for 12 of the next 18 months shooting for the book / exhibit "Kodachrome at 75".

I did a trial run for 5 weeks last Fall and spent about 19 days camped in the truck and 18 in hotel / motels that were more expensive than I would have thought in the off season. That was about $1,500 in lodging alone, so times that by 12 and you get a number that is equal to, you guessed it, an FWC / Eagle!! Why throw all that money away on lodging when I can build the Space Shuttle on wheels? I would have spent more time in the truck but the wet weather was just getting in everywhere and the dust was too, even with the shell on.

So what I am looking at is an Eagle with the furnace, the newly upgraded 22 gallon water tank, the 3 cubic foot fridge / freezer, spare battery and backup system, two roof access steps, rack, 22" x 22" vent / hatch for shooting high angle / panel adjustment and I am working out a burly solar system which the camper is already pre-wired for. The panel is a Kyocera 205 watt that is 39" x 59" and weighs in at 40 lbs.

I also do mountaineering and skiing professionally so I am going to outfit accordingly.

So that is it for now. I just need a couple of clients to pay and I will get this thing started.

Here is a slideshow that has some pics from the past year, none digital, all Kodachrome, the real thing...:)

Thanks for all the good info, I am sure I will be on here a good bit to get it all wired.

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ExPo Original
Dan, a hearty welcome to the forum - :beer:

I viewed your site and the linked video. Inspiring photos. So how will the news of Kodachrome being discontinued affect your work? Have you stockpiled the film or will you immerse yourself in a new format?

I think you'll enjoy the freedom a Four Wheel Camper gives you. Your truck sounds ready to go. The supercharger really helps the 3.4 get up 'n go, which as you know on passes like Eisenhower & Loveland, really matters. You may want to do some research on airbags for the rear suspension as well. They'll make a big difference in the handling.

Any thoughts on adding the Arctic Pak feature? I don't have it and can't say how much difference it makes, but it might be worth considering if you're planning on using the camper during powder season... The little heater does great though. You'll go from shivering to sweltering in minutes. I love mine. Just being able to knock the chill off the air before crawling out of the sleeping bag in the morning is a great thing!

I hope you'll spend some time here and share your experiences with us. If I can answer any questions or pass along any links or info, just let me know.

- KC




Thanks, seems like a good bunch, priorities straight..:)

About a month ago, I met with Kodak and a group of us crafted the announcement. So I have been well aware of the end coming with the film for some time now. The good thing is, Kodak and the lab support processing it until the end of next year, hence the 18 month assignment with the big emphasis on nearly all of next year. I have amassed some 900 rolls that reside at -20F, all quite fresh, so I am set on film. The project was actually kind of built around the idea that the film's days were numbered.

After that, it is the other two book projects I have started in the past year on black and white, so the FWC will see a lot of action and most likely pay for it self in less than two years.

Since I have 05 Tacoma, I am running the blower on a 4.0 which makes a big difference at altitude. I live at 8,000 feet and routinely hit 10-12K. When I get this truck down at 1000 feet or lower and it had been running for a few hours, it is a total rocketship even with 500 pounds of shell and gear in the back. But the low end power being as smooth as it is should be great with the camper, it still goes like hell when I am towing a raft and that 500 pounds. So keeping it at gas prudent rpms under loads is *much* easier with the boost in torque and HP.

Absolutely I plan on beefing up the rear end. I am just a bit concerned about losing downward travel with the bags, but we'll see.

I thought about the Arctic Pak, but I am a human furnace, so I might not need as much. If it turns out to be an issue that my girlfriend would benefit from it, then I can always order it later as it is removable.

I talked to the camper guys today and we did some refinements. The 3 cubic foot fridge is not available for the eagle, so I will have to figure out a cold bolstering plan for some of my more sensitive films such as infrared. I still need to talk to Stan about the feasibility of a 14 pound 22 x 22 escape hatch above the bed. And for weight considerations, I have knocked the solar panel down to a 135 watt at 26 lbs.

So this is just starting, it will take two months to build which is fine because I have a lot to do before I go and get it from Reno.

Questions? How is the roof constructed? It it stringers and panels?

Also what have people done for fairings with the Tacoma? That is a substantial gap between the cab over and the cab.


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ExPo Original
I've gotten a few PM's inquiring about some missing photos in this thread...

Last month I lost my main photo host when the owner sold his server. I have all of the photos saved and will be moving them to a new hosting site shortly. Once they are all uploaded, I will restore the missing photos here.

Sorry for all of the temporary red X's - :campfire:

Palisades Reservoir on the WY & ID state line -


New member
Interested in FWC

Like your trip report and all the photos. I also live in Lander and am in the market for a slide-in. I really like the looks of the FWC, but haven't been able to see one in person. Is there any way I could look at yours/talk to you about it? I sent you a personal message a few days ago, don't know if you got it or not.

Let me know if that would be okay.



Hey Tom

KC should be back in a week or so.

I believe he is on the road in Colorado for the WTW FWC Rally.

I sure he will reply back to you when he returns.

They are out exploring with a group of four wheel camper owners.



... I sent you a personal message a few days ago, don't know if you got it or not. Tom



ExPo Original
Is this thing on? Can you hear me now? Awright...

**The broken picture links have all been repaired, so we're back in business.**

Tom, I don't know if you're still checking in but it was nice meeting you and your family. I hope the tour helped give you a clear idea of the room and convenience these offer. Best of luck and let me know what you wind up with.

As Stan mentioned, I attended a FWC owners rally in Silverton, Colorado in September. We had a good little turn out of about 10 trucks & campers, with the majority coming from California interestingly enough. The weather was damp & chilly that weekend but we still had a good time. We managed to go over Cinnamon Pass and into Lake City for lunch one day. Everyone was great and happy to be in Colorado -

Picayune Gulch -
Silverton 009.JPG

Above timberline -
Silverton 012.JPG

*photo by Aaron Walton with Wander the West -
Silverton 020.jpg

Skiff of snow the last morning -
Silverton 001.JPG

A similar group of folks are planning another owners rally for next January in Death Valley. There is a planning thread on Wander the West if anyone is interested in attending.


We also squeezed in a special trip here in Wyoming, in September. ExPo member Wyoming Shooter, invited Mia and myself to go to the ghost town of Kirwin, deep in the remote Absaroka Range of northwest WY. We used Shooter's ATV's to get back to the townsite, once a bustling gold mining town that was devastated and abandoned after massive avalanches struck 100 years ago. Now there are just old mines, cabins and remnants of what used to be...

Downtown Kirwin, Wyoming -

Old mine, we were able to walk through it -


Access into Kirwin on foot only -
black and white.jpg

Mia and Shooter, walking on the former main street of town -
ed and mia walking.jpg

The town was very well preserved, most likely due to it's remote location. Of course some nimrods had paintballed an old miners cabin (because....?) but several were accessible and we poked around a few. Amelia Earhart was having a cabin built for herself in Kirwin, when she took off on her solo flight around the world. The world never heard from her again and construction on the cabin stopped but it remains nearby. We hiked up to a few cabins & mines, but none had a sign proclaiming it the Earhart cabin so I'm not sure if we saw it or not.

The rest of the weekend we spent roaming around the Shoshone National Forest and Sunshine Reservoir. The ATV's were a great way to enjoy a Fall afternoon. And despite my fears, when we got on them, we didn't immediately turn into earth ravaging rednecks, blazing our own trails across the countryside. Instead we cruised through one scenic valley after another on a nice wide maintained gravel road. I will admit however to goosing it around the corners in a few switchbacks, but I'm sure the Earth will survive...

Ready for antelope or zombies -
map check.jpg

All is well that ends well -
Kirwin 016.JPG
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Tomas Tierra

New member
what a cool little valley!!

The roads look ok for the t100 no? What a great spot to spend a few days..


See you in DV?



Heretic Car Camper
No pictures because my phone is only that by choice, but yesterday on the drive home I spotted a KC groupie. He had the T-100 color correct, but he missed with a Hallmark.
So somewhere out there is a near twin vehicle.


KC, that model camper and the T100 seem made for each other, I like that it doesn't overhang the bed rails.

Good lookin' setup.

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