Four Wheel Camper - A Review


Heretic Car Camper
Or you could go this route with an FWC or ATC:


That one is a bit funky, but done well it could be really cool. Sort of the next step past an AT/RTT combo.

The Adam Blaster

Expedition Leader
Or you could go this route with an FWC or ATC:

That one is a bit funky, but done well it could be really cool. Sort of the next step past an AT/RTT combo.

That could be a possibility...
And my current DD/not-really-an-exedition rig is a 2002 Dodge Durango with low mileage, and the 4.7 so I definitely have towing capabilities...
And if I went the slide-in/trailer route, I can always get a truck later to actually use the slide-in as it was designed.

Now I would just have to work on the wife to convince her it's a good idea... lol

Thanks for the idea ntsqd!


ExPo Original
Looks like Stan answered that one in the FWC videos thread... I don't know much about that camper other than the owner has a lot of extra goodies.

I'm curious how having the lift assist struts on the outside works for him over time. Seems to me they would be subject to potential overnight elements like dust from wind, or ice from cold. Maybe that's not an issue, but that's my initial reaction.


NC - great meeting you & your family in Denver. Whichever way you go, I hope you'll keep us in the loop during your big trip!



Hey KC,

Thanks for all your time and energy at the Exposition. You and Tom are first class :victory: .

So, do you think the Aluminess box would present any structural issues? Janet and I would only use it for seasonal clothes so it wouldn't have much weight in it.


OK, I pulled the trigger today on a new Hawk. I told Amy you were to blame (even though I've had a secret case of FWC envy for many years), so you have some "splaining" to do next time you see her.
Say what you like, but I love Duraflame logs.


ExPo Original
I'm out of Amy's jurisdiction... whew!

Congrats Michael. I think it will be a great addition to your PW. And FTR, I've slightly changed my stance on Duraflame logs as well...




ExPo Original
Four years with a Four Wheel Camper...

Today is the 4th anniversary of owning my little camper, Easter Sunday. So many miles, so many nights, so many smiles... so few complaints. The sentimental attachment cannot be overstated. This little escape pod came to me at a personal lowpoint in my life and it allowed me to rediscover my love of the outdoors and long, lonely dirt roads. It breathed life back into me and has become one of my longest, and certainly most rewarding relationships.

Without fail or complaint, it has allowed me to see remote corners and scenic pockets in the western US from Colorado, to Utah, Montana, California, Idaho, Arizona, Wyoming, Nevada, Oregon, etc. I have endured insufferable heat, below freezing temps, unruly winds and driving rains that would have turned me back home without it. I have seen sunsets, sunrises (well, not too many of those...) pristine mountain lakes, natural hot springs, valleys filled with saguaros & Joshua trees, deep canyons, moving rocks, miles of coastlines, endless sand dunes and so much more...

And I would be completely remiss to not mention the friends and contacts I've made, simply for owning this camper and answering untold questions about it. Some of those relationships have become valued friendships. My camper gives & gives, and over the years I have gained far more than what I originally lost when I first sought it out. I have so much to be grateful for, this little aluminum framed & aluminum siding skinned blessing of mine...

In that time, I have experienced two failures that can only be attributed to myself. A non-charged battery and an unfilled propane tank... That's it. No leaks in the rain, no structural failures, no breakdowns. Oh, they could still happen at some point, but not yet and not for a lack of usage under intense conditions. With that in mind, I have made some recent upgrades to insure that our happy co-existence continues. Like any relationship, you have to give back and nurture your partner. So...

New linoleum & floor trim. The old flooring suffered the worst abuse on our adventures -

Installed an outlet in the truck bed & wired the aux battery to charge off my truck's alternator. Previously, it was charged off a trickle charger at home prior to a trip. Yeah, this pic isn't helpful, but it's a mod, nonetheless -

Installed a 3 speed Fantastic ceiling Fan. Draws air in or out with the flip of a switch. Great for venting out cooking odors or for drawing in air on a stagnant night -

Wired in an "extendable" 12volt outlet, for when charging cords are too short to reach a fixed panel outlet -

Removed the stock icebox "fridge". A waste of space and inefficient way to cool anything. I stored pots & pans in there...

Icebox cabinet, soon to be a shelved pantry -

My plan is to reuse the icebox door as a pantry door, but that's as far as I got today. In a nod from irony, as I worked on my icebox project today, a police officer pulled up in front of my house.... If you recall my original story buried in this thread somewhere, I was stopped by a police officer on my first trip when I brought the camper home on Easter Sunday. Today, with the same feeling of dread in my gut, I checked my pockets and put my hands up, promising him as he approached me that the body was dead when I got there...

"Hey", he says, "they're usually dead when I get there too. Can I check out your camper?"

Well sure Officer, come on over! 45 minutes later he left with his questions answered and his curiosity satisfied, a new relationship made. I guess I'll wrap up my icebox/pantry project tomorrow...



Oil eater.
OK, I pulled the trigger today on a new Hawk. I told Amy you were to blame (even though I've had a secret case of FWC envy for many years), so you have some "splaining" to do next time you see her.
Say what you like, but I love Duraflame logs.
I always score the killer deal on Duraflames at Costco each year. They're compact and burn for hrs.


My plan is to reuse the icebox door as a pantry door, but that's as far as I got today. In a nod from irony, as I worked on my icebox project today, a police officer pulled up in front of my house.... If you recall my original story buried in this thread somewhere, I was stopped by a police officer on my first trip when I brought the camper home on Easter Sunday. Today, with the same feeling of dread in my gut, I checked my pockets and put my hands up, promising him as he approached me that the body was dead when I got there...

"Hey", he says, "they're usually dead when I get there too. Can I check out your camper?"

Well sure Officer, come on over! 45 minutes later he left with his questions answered and his curiosity satisfied, a new relationship made. I guess I'll wrap up my icebox/pantry project tomorrow...


:sombrero: This story is better than previous one. I see a FWC in his future, don't ask how I know........ :ylsmoke: Did you tell him you have a SC in your T100??


KC: I just don't think I can express just how much I have enjoyed reading the whole thread and seeing the wonderful pictures. BTW, I hate you. :)
Just jealous. I am fortunate to have been able to see many of the places you have been at one time or another. Your thread just makes me want to see more.
I have been a fairly hardcore 4x4 wheeler over the past 20 some years but age and health are catching up. Have been through all the phases of wheeling up to and including rock crawling. Moved on from there and mostly enjoying trails wheeling now.
Late last fall my wife had a minor heart attack, and has changed our lives alot. I am thinking that we will soon be getting rid of our trail Jeep and start looking for a 4x4 truck and poptop camper. Your pics have really lit a fire in me to see more country. Anyhow, thank you.


ExPo Original
Wow, thank you!

I hope you wife's health has made a turn for the better and that you two are able to get out soon and enjoy the summer. A comfortable camper really seems to go over well with the spouse.

Best of luck to you -




Forgot-I did not see you mention Monument Valley, Az or Canyon de Chelly (sp). You would enjoy these. Get a local guide and go enjoy. Some of our best times out were there.


ExPo Original

*photo by Mark D. Stephens

This Monument Valley? ;)

An excellent suggestion. I've been there twice now, one of my favorites, even if you can't find any ice cream in Mexican Hat... I enjoyed a trip to Canyon de Chely a few years ago. I should go back sometime and do the full tour down in the canyon bottom.

I'm actually planning a trip to SE Utah next week, weather permitting...



Gold's little store, motel, gift shop, and more store across from the turn off to Monument Valley loop sells ice cream. :wings:
If you go and need a great guide, Linda Jackson is wonderful. Her brother Ray? is a decent guide but is a walking lush. Linda took us to her house inside the monument, fed us steak and corn on the cob cooked on a car hood. Just wonderful.

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