So if you don't believe in the science of the vaccine, and you contract sever Covid, do you believe in the science to save your ******?
I did contract it and amazingly, despite what the media did and continues to tell you is an almost impossibility, I survived!
The only reason I knew I had contacted covid was I had to test for covid and antibodies for work and insurance, no symptoms, no sickness and no death!
According to the CDC, the adjusted death rate from covid 19 in 2020 was 828.7 deaths per 100,000 people in the US, that means the survivability rate was 99.17 percent in 2020, You had a much better chance of dying from heart disease in 2020 than covid yet people fear covid more because it's contagious and the media said to!
If someone wants to mask up and/or get vaccinated then they should absolutely feel free to do so, just like I feel free to not mask up and/or get vaccinated!
So no, I'm not going to ask for "science to save my *****" because I had the terrible killer disease and survived, therefore I needed no help, just like the significant majority who contracted covid 19!
Some more facts for you to read!
Learn facts about how race, ethnicity, age, and other risk factors can contribute to heart disease risk.