Did the southern route twice now. Once to pickup the Sportsmobile and once with the Freightliner.
Ah, well then you should be quite familiar! Took the wife and kids to New Orleans last year, mostly for the food (impressive!), but couldn't get over how bad that place stank! It's a good idea in such a busy tourist city to have garbage cans every 30' but sweet Jesus you need to empty and clean those things once in awhile.
The hi lite was stopping at the Cafe Du' Monde for Beignets and getting yelled at by our Vietnamese waitress because of breakdown in communication.
"How many order you want?"
Three. How many are in an order?
"That 3 order right over there. How many order you want?"
Three, but how many beignets are in an order?
"Dat 3 ordah right ovah dare! HOW MANY ORDAH YOU WANT!"
Three please.
They sure were good though.