I've had one of these cans for a few years, and have not been impressed with the ability of the spout to keep in liquids. In theory, the design is nice. The spout that originally came with it leaked horribly where it screws into the can. I thought this might be do the the fact that the spout is not recessed at all, so if you set the can on a surface that is at all uneven, the dispensing end of the spout might get bent out of shape. So I cut about an inch off of it. Didn't help. Applied generous amounts of silicone to where the spout connects to the can. Still didn't help. Thinking the spout was defective, I bought a new spout. No different,even after applying silicone around the new spout. There is a steady drip coming from the can leaving it in an upright position. I still keep the can behind the driver's seat, spout up, pointed to the door, where it doesn't leak so long as the can isn't completely full. Also, both of the spouts I've had are pretty difficult to twist open, given the tight space. My girlfriend sometimes is unable to completely open it. I'll be replacing it with a Scepter can at some point, easy pull spout on those. Just my two cents.