Thanks for the awsome responses and suggestions. I try to get out wheeling as much is possible. I am rarley in the country (Uncle Sam is very needy lately) and when I am home there is about a million other priorities that need my attention.
Funny because you know what they say. When you have time you have no money, when you have money you dont have time, and when you have both the wife is eight months pregnant or the kids are sick. It is what it is.
Currently I sneak out on weekends and go wheeling in this
and one more
Its the wifes daily driver.
The F250 project is the result of us having a 3rd kid in about 2 weeks. I really want to be able to get away like I read about here on this forum. I want to be able to do it with the family though. I figure in about 2 years the youngest will be at a good age to start doing longer that weekend and day long outings, which mostly what we do now.
As far as mods for the truck
The front end definitly needs protection. I have near misses with dear on my way to work everyday. The only reason I am considering the ARB is because I have a friend that is thinking of getting rid of his so I might get a very good deal on it. Preferably I would not use one to keep the weight down on the front end. The diesel is heavy enough as it is.
I am getting a defender rack with four lights already mounted to it for a steal so that will knock out some storage and lighting.
As far as the lift yeah I think we all can agree that 10 inch lifts on these trucks are not very friendly to off roading. I am going to stay as low as possible to clear the 35s. Speaking of which, Who makes a tire that is 35x 11.5 x 17 in mud terrain? I have been looking but cant seem to find anybody that makes that size. With that size I would not need a lift at all.
I need to aquire more recovery equipment that is for sure though. Any suggestons? I am thinking the stuff I get needs to withstand some heavy loads because the truck is pretty heavy.
Commo= Communication which = CB (sorry for the military jargon)
great suggestion on the tranny pan. I want to purchase the mag hytec pan which hopefully will aid in cooling the tranny.
Bat and jdholder you have awsome looking rigs.
Hope that I covered everything.
I want to be as informed as possible before spending my money so I am glad that folks with alot more experience are willing to share their wealth of knowledge.