Fuso won’t start cold temps


New member
2007 fuso fg 140
When I purchased would not start in cool temps( 40 f and below).
Replaced faulty water temp sensor.
Now starts down to 25/30 f.
Batteries are charged
Glow plugs are within spec
Relay works fine
Glow plugs receiving 8/9 volts for eight seconds.
Glow plug indicator on dash is intermittent( glow plugs on, dash indicator not)
No error codes.

Any thoughts where to start?



I don’t know Fuso specifically, but with general diesel experience I would say that isn’t enough glow time for really cold temp. Are you sure that the plugs are good? 8-9 volts isn’t much, and the time seems really short. How did you determine they were “in spec”? Did you pull them all out and inspect / test them?

you can always go to a fuel fired water heating system, but I would still focus on that glow circuit.

additional thought: your fuel could be getting cold / not injecting well. Are your fuel filters fresh and good? Are you running a good additive like power service in the winter? Do you know that all your injectors show a good spray pattern?
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New member
I pulled the plugs out and checked resistance on each one, all were within spec

I felt the glow plug duration is also short, but could not find info in the manual on this

I believe voltage drop to +or - nine volts is normal on the glow plug circuit



Pulling them out and checking them is awesome, most would just claim they were OK and never actually test! Assuming there was no breakage or mushrooming when you pulled them, so they re-installed well.

Did you compression test while plugs were out?

Does the rig start well hot?

If you sit through multiple glow cycles does it start better?

Does Fuso also have an intake air heater? I don’t know and not every truck does.

Im just Saturday morning brainstorming. Hopefully you get a few ideas. Basically to make a diesel work you need warm air, good fuel, compression, and good atomization.


New member
Fuel filter has less than a thousand miles on it
Truck only has 15000 miles on it, so haven’t considered injectors
I feel that 25/30 degrees shouldn’t cause any issues with fuel. Never had problems with my other trucks with temperatures significantly colder

I have a block heater on it which is one work around to the problem, but would like to solve the problem

I assume Ecm controls glow duration, so don’t know how that would be adjusted


15000 miles since 2007 isn’t much, in fact, really isn’t enough. You could have fouled injectors just based on how little they’ve been used. Is the fuel new or has it been sitting a long time too? If it was my rig, depending on how hard the injectors were to pull, I would probably take at least 1 out and check it or have it tested at a diesel shop. I agree that most fuel should be fine at 25-30 degrees, but most places with cold weather sell different fuel blends in the winter. If you filled it in July…. And some cold weather additive…. It won’t hurt anything, and is cheap.

Anyway, good luck!


Are your cranking speeds fast enough? If you hook it to a charger or running truck with jumper cables does it start better or cycle glow plugs longer?


New member
When warm, above 40 or plugged in the truck starts within a second of engaging starter

No drag on the starter at colder temperatures

Cycling glow plugs several times has no effect

Took it to Arizona recently, so went through 90 or so gallons



Western Dirt Rat
Not knowing much about these engines but plenty of time wrenching on diesels:

- Yank the injectors and have them pop tested.

- Check any sensors. Crank position sensors, pressure sensors.

- I don't think the Fusos are OBD2 are they? If not you should really have whatever flavor of code detectors it requires on hand.

- Fuel pressure sensor. If you don't have one, install a gauge and verify you have fuel delivery pressure to spec.


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Dirt whiskey
The scanner is mut3, I’m starting to look into them
This problem might have to wait, turning into a shop project, not a side of the road project
Appreciate the advice


New member
I was using the code flash system incorrect and do have several codes.
They are 12,14,15,25,33,36,89 and 95.
Do not have manual with me.
Anyone know what these codes are or a website where I can look them up?


Crazy Person
Anyone know what these codes are or a website where I can look them up?
They are all detailed in the workshop manual.

As I wrote on another post only yesterday, the first thing I would be checking is all of your earth connections, as most of those error codes are sensor related.
Your truck may not have many miles on it, but it is still old. Corrosion happens over time!
This may not be your problem, but given that this is a known issue on these trucks, I would definitely be checking and cleaning all of the main earth connections. There are a few of them.

You had mentioned low voltages on the glow plugs which could also possibly be related to high resistance on the earth connections.

Anyway... below are the descriptions of the error codes you have listed.

12 Camshaft Position SNSR
14 Revolution & Position Sensor
15 Engine Revolution SNSR
25 Vehicle Speed Sensor
33 ECU System (Hardware)
36 Common Rail Pressure Defect
89 Glow Lamp
95 CAN (EGR 1)


New member
Finally figured this out
Pressure relief valve on end of common rail was letting fuel by when cold

Dealer and junkyard only sell this part as a whole rail assembly, anyone know a Bosch equivalent or where the part only can be purchased

Whole rail is $1000


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